!!!Track Changes I Make
The Track Changes I Make screen allows you to view the status of any changes or leave requests you’ve made. 

Changes and leave requests are commonly referred to as Personal Actions or PAs.

%%information If your company does not require personnel actions to track changes to your personnel records, then this section may not be applicable.%%

%%information Only outstanding requests and their status are displayed; requests that are approved and then processed will no longer appear.%%

The individual requests are displayed at the top of the screen as follows:

;[PA #|PA_NUMBER]:This field displays the identification number of the request.
;[Description|DESCRIPTION]:This field displays a short description of the request.
;[Status|STATUS_CODE]:This field displays the status of your request.
;:e.g. ‘In Progress’, ‘Approved’, etc.
;[Takes Effect|]:This fields displays the date when the change request will become effective if approved.  By highlighting one of the requests listed, you will be able to see further details about that request in the following fields.
!!Outstanding Request Details
;[Field|FIELD]:The field which is to have its data changed by the request will be displayed here.
;[Previous Value|PREVIOUS_VALUE]:This field displays the old information that is to be changed.
;[Requested Value|REQUESTED_VALUE]:This field displays the new information that is to replace the old.
;[Add Request|ADD_REQUEST]:Clicking this button allows you to add a PA request to the system.
;[Status|STATUS_CODE]:This field indicates the status of the request.
;[Sent On|SENT_ON]:This field indicates when the request was sent.
;[Synopsis|SYNOPSIS]:This field provides a short description of the request.
;[Text|TEXT]:Additional information about the request may be included here.