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The My Current Benefits (WEBEN) screen provides a quick overview of the benefit plans you are currently enrolled into.

Only plans that you are currently elected that have either an employee deduction or employer contribution will appear on this screen. 

The definition data for the  My Current Benefits screen is stored in the [P2K_BE_ENROLLMENT_DETAILS] and [P2K_BE_PLAN_DEFINITIONS] tables.

The screen’s information will be displayed as follows:
;[ Plan Type|PLAN_TYPE_CODE]:This field displays the plan type in which you are enrolled.
;[Benefit Plan|PLAN_CODE]:This field displays the plan in which you are enrolled.
;[Coverage|COVERAGE_CODE]:This field displays the coverage you will receive with this plan.
;[Policy #|POLICY_NUMBER]:This field displays the policy number for the plan.
;[Effective|EFFECTIVE]:The field displays the date at which your plan enrollment came into effect.
;[Description|DESCRIPTION]:This field displays a short description of the plan.
;[Employer Paid|BENEFIT_DEDUCTION_AMOUNT]: This field indicates how much the employer’s contribution is (Based on B840).
;[Employee Paid|BENEFIT_CONTRIBUTION_AMOUNT]: This field indicates how much the employee’s deduction is (Based on B1040).

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