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The My Candidate Profile screen is a complete view of all of your candidate information, excluding your log-In information.

Your Complete Candidate Profile#

Personal Information

Candidate #
This field displays your employee number which is also used to identify you as a candidate.
First Name
This field displays your first name.
Last Name
This field displays your last name.
Middle Name
This field displays your middle name.
Your title is displayed in this field.
If you have a rank associated with your name (e.g. Jr., II, etc.), that rank is indicated in this field.
This field displays your gender.

More Personal Information

Citizen Status
This field displays your citizenship status.
This field indicates your main language of communication. English is the default language.
This field displays your main means of transportation.
Driver’s License
If you have a driver's license, you may use this field to provide your license number.
Date of Birth
This field displays your date of birth.
This field indicates where you were born
This field allows you to record additional personal information about yourself.

Your Address

Address 1
This field displays your home address (street or rural route or concession number).
Address 2
This field displays the second line of your home address, used for PO Box number or
special delivery instructions.
This field refers to your city, district or township name of residence.
State, Country
This displays your state and country.
Zip Code
This field displays the zip or postal code for your address.

Your Phone Numbers

Phone #
This field displays your home phone number.
This field displays the phone extension, if applicable.
Alt Phone
This field displays your alternate phone number.
Alt. Ext.
This field displays the phone extension, if applicable.

Your Mailing Address If your mailing address is different from the home address information provided, you may enter that address here.

Address 1
This field displays your home address (street or rural route or concession number).
Address 2
This field displays the second line of your home address, used for PO Box number or
special delivery instructions.
This field refers to your city, district or township name of residence.
State, Country
This displays your state and country.
Zip Code
This field displays the zip or postal code for your address.


Fax #
This field displays your fax number.
Cell #
This field displays your alternate phone number.
Web Address
This field displays your web address.
This field displays your email address.
Best Way To Contact
This field displays the best method to contact you.

Your Work History

This field displays the name of the company where you were employed.
This field displays the title you held at the company.
Start Date
This field displays the first date you were employed.
End Date
This field displays the last date you were employed.
This field displays the years of experience gained in this position. The system will
automatically calculate this information once you enter the start date.

Your Employer Address

Address 1
This field displays the company’s address.
Address 2
This field displays the second line of the company’s address.
This field displays the company’s city, district or township name of residence.
State, Country
This field displays the name of the company’s state/province, followed by the standard
country code.
This field displays the zip or postal code for the company’s address.

Your Employer Contact

This field displays the name of the individual within the company who may be contacted.
This field displays the working title of the contact identified in the field above.
Phone #
This field displays the contact’s main phone number.
Phone Ext.
This field displays the extension (if any) for the contact.