The My Candidate Profile screen is a complete view of all of your candidate information, excluding your log-In
!!Your Complete Candidate Profile

__Personal Information__
;[Candidate #|CANDIDATE_CODE]:This field displays your employee number which is also used to identify you as a candidate.
;[First Name|FIRST_NAME]:This field displays your first name.
;[Last Name|LAST_NAME]:This field displays your last name.
;[Middle Name|MIDDLE_NAME]:This field displays your middle name.
;[Salutation|SALUTATION]:Your title is displayed in this field.
;[Rank|RANK]:If you have a rank associated with your name (e.g. Jr., II, etc.), that rank is indicated in this field.
;[Gender|GENDER]:This field displays your gender.

__More Personal Information__
;[Citizen Status|CITIZEN_STATUS]:This field displays your citizenship status.
;[Language|LANGUAGE_CODE]:This field indicates your main language of communication. English is the default language.
;[Transportation|TRANSPORTATION]:This field displays your main means of transportation.
;[Driver’s License|DRIVERS_LICENSE]:If you have a driver's license, you may use this field to provide your license number.
;[Date of Birth|BIRTH_DATE]:This field displays your date of birth.
;[Birthplace|BIRTHPLACE]:This field indicates where you were born

;[Details|CANDIDATE_TEXT]:This field allows you to record additional personal information about yourself.

__Your Address__
;[Address 1|ADDRESS_LINE_1]:This field displays your home address (street or rural route or concession number).
;[Address 2|ADDRESS_LINE_2]:This field displays the second line of your home address, used for PO Box number or
special delivery instructions.
;[City|LOCALITY]:This field refers to your city, district or township name of residence.
;[State, Country|COUNTRY_STATE]:This displays your state and country.
;[Zip Code|ZIP_POSTAL]:This field displays the zip or postal code for your address.

__Your Phone Numbers__
;[Phone #|PHONE_NUMBER]:This field displays your home phone number.
;[Ext.|PHONE_EXTENSION]:This field displays the phone extension, if applicable.
;[Alt Phone|ALT_PHONE_NUMBER]:This field displays your alternate phone number.
;[Alt. Ext.|ALT_PHONE_EXTENSION]:This field displays the phone extension, if applicable.

__Your Mailing Address__
If your mailing address is different from the home address information provided, you may enter that address here.
;[Address 1|ADDRESS_LINE_1]:This field displays your home address (street or rural route or concession number).
;[Address 2|ADDRESS_LINE_2]:This field displays the second line of your home address, used for PO Box number or
special delivery instructions.
;[City|LOCALITY]:This field refers to your city, district or township name of residence.
;[State, Country|COUNTRY_STATE]:This displays your state and country.
;[Zip Code|ZIP_POSTAL]:This field displays the zip or postal code for your address.

;[Fax #|FAX_NUMBER]:This field displays your fax number.
;[Cell #|CELLULAR_NUMBER]:This field displays your alternate phone number.
;[Web Address|WEB_ADDRESS]:This field displays your web address.
;[Email|EMAIL_ADDRESS]:This field displays your email address.

;[Best Way To Contact|HOW_TO_CONTACT_TEXT]: This field displays the best method to contact you. 

__Your Work History__
;[Employer|COMPANY_NAME]:This field displays the name of the company where you were employed. 
;[Title|ASSIGNMENT_TITLE]:This field displays the title you held at the company.
;[Start Date|ASSIGNMENT_START_DATE]:This field displays the first date you were employed.
;[End Date|ASSIGNMENT_END_DATE]:This field displays the last date you were employed.
;[Years/Months|DRV_YEARS]:This field displays the years of experience gained in this position. The system will
automatically calculate this information once you enter the start date.

__Your Employer Address__
;[Address 1|ADDRESS_LINE_1]:This field displays the company’s address.
;[Address 2|ADDRESS_LINE_2]:This field displays the second line of the company’s address.
;[City|LOCALITY]:This field displays the company’s city, district or township name of residence.
;[State, Country|COUNTRY_STATE]:This field displays the name of the company’s state/province, followed by the standard
country code.
;[Zip/Postal|ZIP_POSTAL]:This field displays the zip or postal code for the company’s address.

__Your Employer Contact__
;[Name|CONTACT_NAME]:This field displays the name of the individual within the company who may be contacted.
;[Title|CONTACT_TITLE]:This field displays the working title of the contact identified in the field above.
;[Phone #|PHONE_NUMBER]:This field displays the contact’s main phone number.
;[Phone Ext.|PHONE_EXTENSION]:This field displays the extension (if any) for the contact.