The My Interview Time Options is a form to view candidate interviews that need to provide schedule options for.  This screen is a display only except for the 'Enter additional comments or requests' field.  
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The data in this screen is based on the values from the table P2K_RE_ASSESSMENT_EVENTS and are filtered by:
#Current Candidate (RCA_ID)
#Assessment Type=06 - Interview
#Assessment Event Status
**01 - To Be Planned
**02 - Planned, Not Conf
**03 - Planned, Conf
**04 - Rescheduled, NConf
**05 - Rescheduled, Conf

;[Assessment|ASSESSMENT_CODE]:This field identifies the [assessment|ASSESSMENTS]. 
;[Date|ASSESSMENT_DATE_TIME]:This field indicates the date and time of the [assessment|ASSESSMENTS]. 
;[Status|ASSESSMENT_EVENT_STATUS]:This field displays the current status of the [assessment event|ASSESSMENT EVENTS]. 

If you highlight a specific [assessment|ASSESSMENTS], full details about that assessment will be provided through the following fields:

!Assessment Details
;[Location|LOCATION_CODE]:This field indicates the location of where the [assessment|ASSESSMENTS] is to or has occurred.
;[Employee|EMPLOYEE]:This field displays the name of the employee conducting the [assessment|ASSESSMENTS].
;[Contact|CONTACT_NAME]:If there is a contact person for this [assessment event|ASSESSMENT EVENTS], that individual may be indicated here.
;[Type|ASSESSMENT_TYPE]:This field groups the [assessment|ASSESSMENTS] into a specific type.
;[Category|ASSESSMENT_CATEGORY]:This field further classifies the [assessment|ASSESSMENTS] into specific groups.
;[Rating|ASSESSMENT_RATING]:This field displays the rating received for the [assessment|ASSESSMENTS].
;[Points|ASSESSMENT_POINTS]:This field records the points obtained in this [assessment|ASSESSMENTS].
;[Desired Pts.|DESIRED_POINTS]:Desired Points; This field displays the desired points a candidate should obtain for this [assessment|ASSESSMENTS].
;[Essential Pts.|ESSENTIAL_POINTS]:Essential Points; This field displays the points a candidate must obtain to pass this [assessment|ASSESSMENTS].

;[TAKE ASSESSMENT|ACT_TAKE_ASSESSMENT]: By pressing this field you will directed to the [assessment|ASSESSMENTS]. 

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