The Maintain Personal Actions (WASPA) form allows administrator to manage all the outstanding employee change requests that have been sent for approval.

Personnel Actions are created from application forms for functions that have a PA Type associated with them and maintained through the Maintain Personnel Actions (WASPA) form.  

Record Personnel Actions data is maintained on the [P2K_SA_PERSONNEL_ACTIONS], [P2K_SA_PERSONNEL_CHANGES], [P2K_AM_REQUESTS] and [P2K_AM_REQUEST_ACTIVITIES] tables.

;[PA Number|PA_NUMBER]:This field will require code sequencing to be set up for the column name (PA_NUMBER) in [IMCS].  

;[Status|PA_STATUS]:This field indicates the current stage of the PA within the process. 

;[PA Type|PA_TYPE_CODE]:This field indicates the Personnel Action type selected. 

;[Takes Effect|PA_EFFECTIVE_DATE]:This field displays the date that the change is to take effect. 

;[PA Description|DESCRIPTION]:This field will allow you to provide a description or reason for the PA. 

;[Change Reason|CHANGE_CODE]:You may select/override the default change reason in this field. 

;[Applied to Assignment|ASSIGNMENT_CODE]:This field indicates the assignment in which the PA will be processed against.  

;[PA Expiry Date|PA_EXPIRY_DATE]:This field displays the date that the change is to expire. 

;[Review Number|REVIEW_NUMBER]:If this PA is being created as the result of a review, then the review number may be tracked through and entry in this field. 

;[Logged From PA #|PA_NUMBER]:If the PA is a edited copy of a PA, this field indicates the original PA.

;[Processed By|DRV_PROCESSED_BY]:This non-updateable field will indicate whom has processed the PA. If the PA was processed in Self Service the user's person code will display. If the PA is processed in the Professional application, the user's user name will display. 

;[Originated By|DRV_ORIGINATED_BY]:If the PA was created from [USAS], [USEP], or [USSC] the function name and execution id will display here. If the PA was manually created either the person code or user name will display here, depending on if the PA was created in Self Service or the Professional application. 

;[PA Created By|CREATE_USER]:This field will display the original creator of the Personnel Action. 

;[Update Future Records|UPDATE_FUTURE_RECORDS]:If this toggle is ON, then any effective date record after the date of the PA will also be updated. If the toggle is OFF, only an effective date record that is in effect when the PA is processed will be updated. 

;[Cascade Change Reason|CASCADE_CHANGE_REASON]:If this and the Update Future Records toggle are ON, then the change reason for this PA will override all future dated effective record change reasons. If the toggle is OFF and the Update Future Records toggle is ON, future effective dated records will be updated but their change reason will remain the same.  Cascade_Change_Reason is an optional toggle field.

;[Is Date Correction|EFFECTIVE_DATE_CORRECTION]:  This toggle signifies if the PA is dedicated solely to a date effective correction. No other data changes are permitted in an effective date change personnel action. The ONLY column that will be affected is the effective date column. 

!!PA Changes tab 

;[Seq #|COLUMN_SEQUENCE]:This field displays the unique record identifier used when multiple records from the same table are being changed on a single PA. 

;[Table|TABLE_ALIAS]:This field provides the alias of the table that holds the data being changed.

;[Column|DRV_FIELD_PROMPT]:This field identifies the fields that are relevant to the PA type being processed. 

;[Old Value|DRV_OLD_VALUE]:This shows the original value of the field from the employee’s master files. 

;[New Value|DRV_NEW_VALUE]:The PA New Value will be the same as the PA Old Value unless you change it in this field. 

;[PA Type of Value|PA_TYPE_OF_VALUE]:This field displays the type, or source, of the values in the fields. 

;[Status|PA_CHANGE_STATUS]:This field displays the status of each column. Data should always be marked as ‘verified’. 

;[User Field |DRV_IS_USER_FIELD]:This toggle indicates if the column is a user defined field that has been added to the table via [IMUF].
;[Cancel PA|ACT_CANCEL_PA]:The PA may be canceled by pressing this button, once pressed the status will change to 'Cancelled'.
;[Add a Request|ACT_ADD_CURRENT_PA_REQUEST]:By pressing this button you will be able to add a request/comment to the PA. 
;[Submit PA|ACT_SUBMIT_PA]: The PA may be submitted for review by pressing this button. When pressed a dialog will appear asking the user to verify the changes by pressing OK or Cancel. The status of the PA will then change to 'Submitted'. 
;[Process PA|ACT_PROCESS_PA]:You may process the Personnel Action by pressing this button. Once processed, the employee's records will be updated with the changed detail of the PA.

!!Requests tab 
;[Status|REQUEST_STATUS]:This field displays the status of the request. 
;[Sent On|DATE_SENT]:The date the comment / request was created is displayed in this field. 
;[Synopsis|REQUEST_SYNOPSYS]:The synopsis of the comment / request is displayed here. 
;[Text|REQUEST_TEXT]:The actual text of the comment / request is displayed in this field
;[Add Comment|ACT_ADD_ACTIVITY]:This field provides the ability to add comments/activities against the request
;[Comments|REQUEST_ACTIVITY_TEXT]:The text of the activity is displayed in this field. 

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