This is the mobile version of the My Contacts (WEECN) screen. The screen allows you to record those individuals and institutions whose name and contact information you would like to provide to your company.
The contacts listed may include your emergency contacts, spouse, dependent, medical facility, etc.
The definition data for the My Contacts screen is stored in the P2K_HR_CONTACTS table.
Your contacts are listed by the following fields:
- First Name
- The contact's first name is display here.
- Last Name
- The contact's last name is displayed here.
- Contact Type
- The contact can have more than one contact type. For example, the contact can be a Spouse as well as a Dependent.
By clicking on the chevron to one of the contacts listed, Users will be able to further remove/update the contact information in the following fields:
- Contact Status
- This field displays your contact’s status of ‘Active’ or ‘Inactive’.
- Phone #
- This field displays your contact’s main phone number.
- Ext.
- This field displays the phone extension of your contact, if applicable.
- Cellular #
- This field displays the cellular phone number for your contact.
- Fax #
- This field displays the fax number for your contact.
- This is the contact’s email address.
- Date of Birth
- This is the date of birth of your contact and is used for tax and benefit purposes and not usually needed for business contacts.
Notes #
Created a Workflow for the Benefit Recipients table (WF_BBR). Note that only Official BE Enrollment Detail records will be picked up in the workflows.