Processing Information#

The Create Actuary Interface (UXAI) form is used to an actuary interface.

Report Parameters & Filters#

Report Parameters
As Of DateMandatory, Date LOV available
This field indicates the date from which information is to be collected.
From/To DateMandatory, Date, LOV Available
Only information that falls within these dates will be processed.
File FormatMandatory,
Field SeparatorMandatory,
DirectoryMandatory, Text
This field displays the name of the source directory.
FileMandatory, Text
This field displays the file name of the data being uploaded.
Exception LevelOptional, Exception Level lexicon available
This field defines the exception level (report messages) required.
Show Color Optional, Yes or No lexicon available
If <Yes>, color will be incorporated into the report for ease of reading.

Pension PlanMandatory, LOV Available. This field identifies the plan for which the pension evaluations are being generated.
Pension Option Optional, LOV Available. The field identifies the pension option for the evaluation being generated.
Sort Employees By Mandatory, LOV Available. This field identifies how the employee names will be sorted.
Evaluation Date Mandatory, Date Field. This field identifies the date to stamp the evaluations with.
Clear History Date Optional, Date Field. This field identifies the date to clear history evaluations.
Evaluation Category Mandatory, LOV Available. The evaluation may be generated for a specific type such as a Member Request or a Yearly Statement.
Trace Average WageOptional, LOV Available.
Create as Official Optional, LOV Available. The evaluations may or may not be generated as official.
Show All Components Optional, LOV Available.
Log Component Results Optional, LOV Available
Performance Stats Optional, LOV Available
XML Output Optional, LOV Available
XML Directory Name Optional, Text. This field identifies the directory where the file will be saved.
XML File Name Optional, Text. This field identifies the filename for the loaded information.
Exception Level Mandatory, LOV Available. This field defines the exception level (report messages) required.

Report Filters
Account Status The report can be limited to the account status identified here.
Pension Account The report can be limited to the pension account identified here.

Notes #

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