UTDP - Download Fingerprints to Clock Devices#

Destination Clocks and Selection#

  • Finger prints on the server will be downloaded to a set of G2 Clocks which must have biometric reader defined by parameters provided. These selections will filter clocks using their definitions in ITCD.
  • Time clocks which are to have finger prints loaded must have their IP address added to the ITCD record using a user field. The example below has had the user field added to ITCD to easily view the value. Maintenance of the value should be accomplished through the User Field dialog accessed from the form menu action button Show User Fields. The user field must be named "DEVICE_IP";
  • The G2 clock will have an IP designated to it during the start up. This is the IP to be used along with the port defined in the administration menus accessed via the "off line" mode (in this example: The port will be found in the Telnet menu and is usually defaulted to 9999. The telnet option should be enabled. Defining a password in not recommended. A fully resolved URL is to be stored in the user field as in the example above.

People Selection#

  • Using the ePersonality standard set of people selection parameters, a list of people may be created. This list of people with clock cards Standing= "Active" effective "as of" the date provided with a Status = "Assigned" and Card Type = "Biometric" will have their stored finger prints sent to the list of clock devices previously created.

Loading Process on the G2#

  • The G2 clock application had been improved to have a new listener for accepting socket communication. The socket will be created via the same port as described above for the clock device definition. This port must also be in located in the app.config file under the attribute BIO_LISTENER_PORT. Its default is 9999. There is no reason to change this unless a conflict occurs using other Telnet features of the clock.