!!Processing Information
Two different programs can be run to fill vacant scheduled posts.

The Fill Vacant Time Slots (UTAUTOFILL) screen will try to fill all vacancies for the given period. [UTBPR] Bid Run Process will try to fill all vacancies for a given period based on the Selected Shift Bids filled out in [ITWO]. If this Selected Shift Bids are not used then [UTBPR] does not need to be run.

UTAUTOFILL will be specific to each client.

Filling scheduled shifts based on:
*operational definitions
* team post assignments
* holiday calendars
* planned leaves
* work restrictions

;Qualification Check
Ranks the EE’s in order of qualification highest to lowest.
|A |Equal Job - EE is currently in the same job, which is vacant.
|B |Replacement - EE is currently in the defined replacement job for the vacant job.
|C |Authorized Equal - EE is authorized to fill the Equal job, which is vacant.
|D |Authorized Replacement - EE is authorized to fill the Replacement job for the vacancy.

;Work Restriction Check
Will not schedule an EE as a qualified fill if a work restriction is in place for the time frame being scheduled
|A| The EE will not work that particular day of the week; for example, Mondays
|B| The EE will not work that particular shift, for example, night shifts
|C| The EE will not work in the particular time frame

!!Report Parameters and Filters
||Report Parameters||
|From Date| Mandatory, Date, LOV Available. This is the first date from which the report is to process information.
|To Date| Mandatory, Date, LOV Available. This is the last date from which the report is to process information.
|Fill Method| Mandatory, LOV available. If `By Work Station Max/Min' is selected in this field, the time slots will be filled by referring to the minimum and maximum number of shifts from Work Stations.
|Reset Qualified Fills| Optional, LOV available. If `YES' is selected in this field, all qualified fills will be reset.
|Clear Schedule| Optional, LOV available. If `YES' this program will clear the schedule and then the UTAUTOFILL would need to be rerun
|Exception Level |Mandatory, LOV available, <Exception Only>. This field indicates the exception level (report messages) required.

||Report Filters||
|Work Division| Mandatory, Match, Multiple Selection, LOV Available, <ALL>. This field limits the report to the work division(s) specified.
|Work Area| Mandatory, Match, Multiple Selection, LOV Available, <ALL>. This field limits the report to the work area(s) specified.
|Work Station| Mandatory, Match, Multiple Selection, LOV Available, <ALL>. This field limits the report to the work station(s) specified.

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