Using SQL Loader#

A large number of .CTL files have been provided by High Line to be used by the SQL Loader utility for loading comma delimited files into the interface tables of the target database. These files are located in the CONVERSION\CTL_FILES directory of the shared, mapped directory on the database server (this should be P:\P2K\CONVERSION\CTL_FILES if the default settings are used from the installation manual).

There is one .CTL file for each conversion interface file defined within the P2K schema of the database. Each of these files has the same basic format with the name of the input file, the target table in the database and the list of columns available changing for each file.

The LOAD DATA statement is required at the beginning of the control file.

INFILE specifies that the data is found in an external file and not in the control file.

TRUNCATE indicates that the contents of the table will first be purged before loading of the data. If this line did not exist, the interface table can be appended to.

The INTO TABLE statement is required to identify the table to be loaded (INF_CV_PERSONALS) into. By default, SQL*Loader requires the table to be empty before it inserts any records.

FIELDS TERMINATED BY specifies that each field is terminated by a comma and may also be enclosed by quotation marks. Data types for all fields default to CHAR.

TRAILING NULLCOLS allows you to terminate the record before the end of all the fields. Any fields not specified will be set to NULL

Specifies the names of each column to be loaded and the order the must be coded. SQL code can also be added to the columns to translate the data as it’s loaded into the interface table

The following example is a portion of the PERSONALS.CTL file and is used for loading data into the INF_CV_PERSONALS:

, USER_NAME			POSITION (*)        
, LAST_NAME			POSITION (*)        
, GENDER			POSITION (*)           
, ETHNIC			POSITION (*)           
, EXPIRY			POSITION (*)"NVL(RTRIM(:EXPIRY),'31-Dec-3999') "

The settings within this file will cause SQL Loader to read the comma delimited data from the PERSONALS.CSV file into the INF_CV_PERSONALS tables within the database. If there are any records in this interface table when SQL Loader runs, the contents of the table will be truncated (deleted) prior to the new records being loaded. Also, if any of the records being loaded do not have enough columns to fill the records in the table, the columns not provided in the input file will be left as NULL.

The data from the comma delimited file will be loaded into the Oracle table using the column order defined in the .CTL file. In this example, the first column in the input file will be loaded into the PERSON_CODE column of the interface table, the second column will be loaded into the USER_NAME column and so on through the entire input record. If the input file does not match this format, exactly, the order of these columns can be changed to match the actual input file format.

If the column being loaded into the interface table needs to have the data manipulated during the load, a modification token can be added to the column line, as in the EFFECTIVE and EXPIRY columns listed above. The column read from the input file will be modified by the SQL functions, before being inserted into the interface table. The functions used here will set the column to a default value if a value has not been provided in the input record. These tokens can use any SQL function available within the database, including custom stored functions, as long as the entire token does not exceed 256 characters, 258 characters including the beginning and ending quotation marks.

Since the location of the .CSV file has not been specified in the INFILE parameter, this file must be located in the current working directory that SQL Loader is running from. SQL Loader is called from within the Conversion application and will have the current working directory set to the same location as the Start In directory defined in the Conversion shortcut.

To call SQL Loader from within the Conversion application select the Load item in the menu and enter the name of the control file that it is to process. This actually runs the SQL Loader utility in the background and waits for it to complete. You will only see a dialog box appear when the SQL Loaders utility completes, successfully of not. The dialog box will simply indicated that the load process completed, but the SQL Loader log file will have to be checked to see if anything was actually loaded into the INF table.

The example shown below is an example of the PERSONALS.DAT file. It contains only the first few fields and a limited number of records. A complete data file would require all of the mandatory fields, as well as providing commas for all the fields that are to be set to a value of NULL.

1234,MASTER,333-22-4444,John,Doe,01-Apr-1960,Male,…,01-Jan-0001,31-Dec-3999,Initial Record,…
1235,GUEST,123-45-6789,Jane,Doe,29-Feb-1964,Female,…,01-Jan-0001,31-Dec-3999,Initial Record,…
54321,,987-65-4321,John,Smith,25-Dec-1966,Male,…,01-Jan-0001,31-Dec-3999,Initial Record,…

As you can see from the example, each record is fully contained on one line within the data file and terminated by a carriage return. Since all fields are treated as character fields by SQL*Loader, we are not required to enclose the text within quotes (‘’). However, this can be done if the tool you are using to create the data files does require them.

The log file will be created in the working directory defined by the Start In parameter of the conversion shortcut. The name of the log file will be the same as the .CTL file passed to SQL Loader with a .LOG extension.

A portion of the PERSONALS.LOG file is show below, as an example:

SQL*Loader: Release - Production on Wed Jun 29 11:41:23 2005

Copyright (c) 1982, 2002, Oracle Corporation.  All rights reserved.

Control File:   personals.ctl
Data File:      personals.csv
  Bad File:     personals.bad
  Discard File:  none specified
 (Allow all discards)

Number to load: ALL
Number to skip: 0
Errors allowed: 50
Bind array:     64 rows, maximum of 256000 bytes
Continuation:    none specified
Path used:      Conventional

Table INF_CV_PERSONALS, loaded from every logical record.
Insert option in effect for this table: TRUNCATE
TRAILING NULLCOLS option in effect

   Column Name                  Position   Len  Term Encl Datatype
------------------------------ ---------- ----- ---- ---- ---------------------
PERSON_CODE                         FIRST     *   ,  O(") CHARACTER            
LAST_NAME                            NEXT     *   ,  O(") CHARACTER            


Record 103: Rejected - Error on table INF_CV_PERSONALS, column PHONE_UNLISTED.
ORA-01401: inserted value too large for column

Record 1201: Rejected - Error on table INF_CV_PERSONALS, column BIRTH_DATE.
ORA-01843: not a valid month

  1892 Rows successfully loaded.
  2 Rows not loaded due to data errors.
  0 Rows not loaded because all WHEN clauses were failed.
  0 Rows not loaded because all fields were null.

Space allocated for bind array:                 250002 bytes(17 rows)
Read   buffer bytes: 1048576

Total logical records skipped:          0
Total logical records read:          1894
Total logical records rejected:         6
Total logical records discarded:        0

Run began on Wed Jun 29 11:41:23 2005
Run ended on Wed Jun 29 11:41:24 2005

Elapsed time was:     00:00:00.98
CPU time was:         00:00:00.28

This SQL loader log file has been edited to fit this page. The actual log will have a complete list of all the columns defined in the .CTL file and their SQL modification tokens. However, the important portions of the log file are included for this discussion.

The first few lines after the SQL Loader banner lists the files used when the .CTL file was processed. The first is the name of the actual .CTL file, followed by the log file, the bad file and the discard file (if specified). The bad file will only be generated if records cannot be loaded into the database table from the comma delimited file. Typically, these records will not load if the data type for one of the fields does not match the table definition, or if the data is too large to fit into the column.

In the middle of the log example, there are two records that did not get loaded into the table. The first record had data for one column that was too large. This error shows the record number from the input file and the column name that generated the error. The second record generated shows similar information for another error, however this error was caused by an invalid date format. Both of these records will be copied to the bad file listed in the first section of the log.

The end of the log file also shows the total number of records read and loaded into the database table. If all the records have not been loaded, the input file may need to be regenerated by the extract logic of your legacy system and the load processed again. Alternately, additional modification tokens can be added to the .CTL file to compensate for these errors and the then reloaded.