If an entire vendor run needs to be backed out, then it must first be undone to be able to rerun [UPVEND]. The vendor run may be undone through the Undo Upvend (UPUNVEND) form.

Everything updated by the original execution of [UPVEND] will be backed out with the exception of check numbers. Any check number used up in the ‘Check Form Range’ will not be released. This is a security check, since the original [UPVEND] could be using numbers already in the past.

UPUNVEND is processed if [UPVEND] needs to be reversed. 

For more information on the Accounts Payable process see the page  [Accounts Payable - UPVEND|ACCOUNTS PAYABLE - UPVEND].
||Report Parameters||
|__UPVEND Execution__|__Mandatory, LOV Available__ 
|__Exception Level__|__Mandatory, LOV Available__ \\‘Exceptions Only’, ‘User Trace’, ‘Legislation’, ‘UserCalc Trace’, ‘Program Trace’ or \\‘Utility Trace’