This function will run both the UPDAUDT and the UPCALC for the selected parameters/filters.

Records with the Pay Audit set to 'To Be Deleted' are being removed when the UPPAY is run.

Note: The UPPAY process does not currently support multi-threading

Report Parameters & Filters#

Report Parameters
EntityMandatory, LOV available. Limits the process to the entity defined.
PayrollMandatory, LOV available. Only one payroll can be selected per execution of this function.
As of DateMandatory, Date, LOV available
Eligible BatchesOptional, LOV available. Options are: Not Eligible, Eligible or Both
Pay PeriodMandatory, LOV available. This is used to determine which time frame the pays are to be processed for and is used when selecting the batches that are to be processed.
Future Pay PeriodOptional, Date, LOV available. This will be used to allow for batches/pays that have future pay periods on them to be processed.
Override Pay IssueOptional, Date, LOV available. When entered, this date will override the Pay Issue Date that is defined on the Pay Calendar table [IPCL] for the Pay Period being processed.
Changes OnlyOptional, LOV Available
Include EE ChangesOptional, LOV Available
Exception LevelMandatory, LOV available. Options are: ‘0 – 9’
User Comment
Report List Filters
UserOptional, Multiple selections, LOV available
Batch NumberOptional. Multiple selections, LOV available. Users can define which batches are to be processed.

Notes #

Process information needs to be added