Report Parameters & Filters#

Report Parameters
EntityMandatory, LOV available
Limits the process to the entity specified.
Pay Ending DateMandatory, Date, LOV Available
Gross ElementMandatory, LOV Available
EE Cont ElementMandatory, LOV Available
ER Cont ElementMandatory, LOV Available
EE BuyBack ElementMandatory, LOV Available
ER BuyBack ElementMandatory, LOV Available
EE LTD ElementMandatory, LOV Available
ER LTD ElementMandatory, LOV Available
ASRS AccountMandatory, Text
DirectoryMandatory, Text
Must be a directory on the server for which the current user (as signed onto the client’s network) has write capability. For example the entry ‘C:\TEMP’ accesses the ‘TEMP’ directory on the server, not the local directory for the computer terminal being used.
File Name Mandatory, Text
Enter the name of the file that will be created in the interface directory specified.
TrialMandatory, LOV available
The report may be run in trial mode (Yes) or update mode (No)
Exception LevelMandatory, LOV available
A ‘trace’ report of exception messages may be produced to assist in the testing phase. If necessary, choose from 0 – 9 (highest) level of trace. Please note that this is a voluminous report and will cause very slow performance.

TWC Earnings ElementMandatory, LOV available
Pay element that contains the earnings pay components that qualify for TWC
Payroll Quarter (YYYQQ)Mandatory, text
The ‘Payroll Quarter' will be used to determine which transactions to include in the report. The quarter should be entered as YYYYQQ.
Include Multiple Work SiteMandatory, LOV available
If you wish to include multiple work sites then indicate <Yes>.
Include Wage RecordsMandatory, LOV available
If you wish to include wage records then indicate <Yes>.
SIC Code SourceMandatory, LOV available
Interface CodeMandatory, LOV available
Interface Directory Mandatory, text
Must be a directory on the server for which the current user (as signed onto the client’s network) has write capability. For example the entry ‘C:\TEMP’ accesses the ‘TEMP’ directory on the server, not the local directory for the computer terminal being used.
File Name Mandatory, text
Enter the name of the file that will be created in the interface directory specified.
Write or Append Mandatory, LOV available
If the file already exists should the current information overwrite it or append to it?
Output Header and TrailerMandatory, LOV available
If the file is to contain a header and trailer record then indicate <Yes>.

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