[{TableOfContents }]

!!!District of Columbia Annual and Quarterly Reporting

!!Set Up
This document contains abbreviated set up requirements for DC only.  Please refer to the general document ([Tax Reporting - US General]) for other setup procedures that may also be required.

!IDGV - State Registration
*The [IDGV Definition|IDGV#DefinitionTab] tab must be set up for ‘State Registration’ for State/Province: District of Columbia.
*The [IDGV Variables|IDGV#VariablesTab] tab must be set up for ‘State Registration’ for State/Province: District of Columbia.
**‘W2 STATE MEDIA FILING’ - DC accepts W2 wage report with Federal and other state information, therefore, the Media Filing variable can be set to ‘01’, which will include state information in the Federal File.  (However it must be set to ‘02’ if a W2 magnetic media file is required for DC only)

!IDGV - State SUI Registration
*The [IDGV Definition|IDGV#DefinitionTab] tab must be set up with ‘State SUI Registration’ for State/Province: District of Columbia
*The [IDGV Variables|IDGV#VariablesTab] tab must be set up with ‘State SUI Registration’ for State/Province: District of Columbia
**‘W2 STATE MEDIA FILING’- Must be ‘02’ to generate UI wage magnetic media file for DC

!!State File Procedures
*The DC Department of Revenue accepts filing of W2 wages via magnetic media using the standard EFW2 file supplied by the SSA.
*The DC Department of Labor accepts filing of Quarterly UI wages via the DC state format.
*When using the EFW2 format to file wage report for DC, the user must set up [IDGV] as follows:
**for State Registration of DC, the [IDGV] Variable:
***‘W2 STATE MEDIA FILING’ 02 – State requires its own file, do not include other state information in the State File

!!Annual W2 Wage Reporting – EFW2 format
[RPYEU] must be run with the following report parameters and filters selected to generate the Colorado State file information: \\ \\

__RPYEU Report Parameters__
|Annual Form Code|Use standard form code, such as 'HL$US-W2-YYYY'
|Period Type|Mandatory. Defines the period type.  Enter "Year" for Annual reporting and "Quarter" for quarterly reporting.
|Period End Date|Mandatory.  Defines the end date of the reporting period.  Enter in DD-MMM-YYYY format
|Media Format|Mandatory.  Set to State File Format \\Defines the Federal file format for SSA reporting (includes 'RW' and 'RS' records).
|Directory Name| Mandatory.  Defines the name of the government Magnetic Media file.  Must be defined or an output file will not be produced
|Media File Name|Mandatory.  Defines the media file name of the data being uploaded.  Must be defined or an output file will not be produced

__RPYEU Report Filters__
|Select State: District of Columbia, USA

!State Media Magnetic Media Reporting – EFW2 Format
!Record Name: Code RA - Transmitter Record (Same as the Federal Code RA)
[{InsertPage page='W2_EFW2_RECORD_RA'}]

!Record Name: Code RE – Employer Record (Same as the Federal Code RE)
[{InsertPage page='W2_EFW2_RECORD_RE'}]

!Record Name: Code RW - Employee Wage Record (Same as the Federal Code RW)
[{InsertPage page='W2_EFW2_RECORD_RW'}]

!Record Name: Code RO -Employee Wage Record (Same as the Federal Code RO, Optional)
[{InsertPage page='W2_EFW2_RECORD_RO'}]

!Record Name: Code RS - State W2 Wage Record (Same as the Federal Code RS)
[{InsertPage page='W2_EFW2_RECORD_RS'}]
!Record Name: Code RT - State Total Record (Same as the Federal Code RT)
[{InsertPage page='W2_EFW2_RECORD_RT'}]

!Record Name: Code RU - Total Record (Same as the Federal Code RU, Optional)
[{InsertPage page='W2_EFW2_RECORD_RU'}]

!Record Name: Code RV - State Total Record (Same as the Federal Code RV, Optional)
[{InsertPage page='W2_EFW2_RECORD_RV'}]

!Record Name: Code RF - Final Record (Same as the Federal Code RF)
[{InsertPage page='W2_EFW2_RECORD_RF'}]

!!Quarterly UI Wage Magnetic Media Reporting – ICESA Format
The District of Columbia accepts quarterly UI reporting in the ICESA formal.  Record codes A, E, S, T and F are required.
\\ \\
[RPYEU] must be run with the following report parameters and filters selected to generate the District of Columbia State file information: \\ \\

__RPYEU Report Parameters__
|Annual Form Code|Use standard form code, such as 'HL$US-W2-YYYY'
|Quarterly Form Code|Use the standard form code ‘HL$US-QTR-20YY.  \\Must be entered in order to generate the District of Columbia UI wage file in the [ICESA] format
|Govt Interface Format|Mandatory.  Enter HL$US-QTR-NM20YY
|Period Type|Mandatory. Defines the period type.  Enter "Quarter" for quarterly reporting.
|Period End Date|Mandatory.  Defines the end date of the reporting period.  Enter in DD-MMM-YYYY format
|Media Format|Mandatory.  Set to State SUI File Format \\Defines the Federal file format for SSA reporting (includes 'RW' and 'RS' records).
|Directory Name| Mandatory.  Defines the name of the government Magnetic Media file.  Must be defined or an output file will not be produced
|Media File Name|Mandatory.  Defines the media file name of the data being uploaded.  Must be defined or an output file will not be produced

__RPYEU Report Filters__
|Select State: District of Columbia, USA

!Record Name: Code A -  Transmitter Record (Required)	
|1| Record Identifier|Constant “A”
|2-5 DC|Blank|Fill with blanks
|6-14|Submitter's Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN)|Enter the submitter’s Federal Employer ID number. \\Enter only numeric characters. Omit hyphen, prefixes & suffixes.
|15-23 DC|Blank|Fill with blanks
|24-73|Business Name|Enter the legal name of the organization submitting the file. \\Enter the name exactly as the Employer is registered with the state Unemployment Insurance agency.
|74-113|Business Address|Enter the street address of the organization submitting the file.
|114-138|Business City|Enter the city of the organization submitting the file.
|139-140|Business State|Enter the standard two character FIPS postal abbreviation.  DC is "11"
|141-153|Blank|Fill with blanks
|154-158|Transmitter Zip Code|Enter the transmitter's zip code
|159-163|Transmitter Zip Code Extension|Enter the transmitter's four digit extension of the zip code, if applicable \\Include hyphen in position 159. \\If unknown, fill with blanks.
|164-193|Transmitter Contact|Enter the name of individual from transmitter's organization who is responsible for the accuracy and completeness of the wage report.
|194-203|Transmitter Contact Telephone Number|Enter the telephone number where the transmitter's contact can be reached.  \\Numbers only, no special characters
|204-207|Telephone Extension/Box|Enter transmitter's telephone extension number or message box.
|208-242 DC|Not Required for the District of Columbia|Fill with blanks
|243-250|Media Creation Date|Enter the date the file was created, in MMDDYYYY format \\Derived from the System date

!Record Name: Code E - Employer Record 	
|1-1|Record Identifier|Constant ‘E’
|2-5|Reporting Year|Enter the year the report is being prepared for
|6-14|Federal Identification Number (FEIN)|Enter the tranmitter's FEIN.  Only numeric characters.  Omit hyphens, prefixes and suffixes. \\Derived from the [IDGV] State SUI Registration
|15-23|Blank|Fill with blanks
|24-73|Employer's Legal Name|Enter the first 50 positions of the employer’s legal name, exactly as registered with the state UI agency.  \\Derived from the Entity.
|74-113|Address Where Work Performed|Enter the street address where the employee performed work.  \\Left justify and fill with blanks  \\Derived from the Entity Location.
|114-138|Employer City|Enter the employer's City  \\Derived from the Entity Location
|139-140|Employer State|Constant "DC"  \\Derived from the Entity Location
|141-148 DC|Blank|Fill with blanks
|149-153|ZIP code extension|Enter the four digit extension of ZIP code, if applicable.  Include the hyphen in position 149 \\Derived from the Entity Location
|154-158|ZIP code|Enter the employer's ZIP code \\Derived from the Entity Location.
|159-166 DC|Blank|Fill with blanks
|167-170|Taxing Entity Code|Constant ‘UTAX’
|171-172|State Code|Enter the appropriate FIPS postal numeric code.  DC is "11"
|173-187|State Unemployment Insurance Account Number|Enter the State UI employer account number \\Left justify and zero fill \\Derived from the IDGV State SUI Registration.
|188-189|Report Quarter|Enter the last month of the calendar quarter the report applies to, such as: 03, 06, 09, or 12
|190-190|No Wage Report Indicator|Enter a "0" if the employer did not pay wages during the calendar quarter and there will not be any employee records in the report.  Otherwise enter "1"
|191-276 DC|Not required|Fill with blanks

!Record Name: Code S – Employee Wage Record (Required)
|1-1|Record Identifier|Constant ‘S’
|2-10|Social Security Number|Enter the employee’s SSN. Do not drop the leading zeros. \\If not known, enter ‘I’ in position 2 and fill with blanks
|11-30|Employee Last Name|Enter the employee's last name. \\Left justify and fill with blanks
|31-42|Employee First Name|Enter the employee's first name. \\Left justify and fill with blanks
|43-43|Employee Middle Initial|Enter the employee's middle initial.  If no middle initial, fill with blanks
|44-45|State Code|Enter the appropriate FIPS postal numeric code.  DC is "11" 
|46-63 DC|Not Required for District of Columbia|Fill with blanks
|64-77|State QTR Unemployment Insurance Total Wages|Enter the total quarterly gross wages paid.  \\Include cents but omit decimal. \\Include all tip income.  \\Derived from the 7200 [IDFDV] Field Identifier.
|78-131 DC|Blank|Fill with blanks
|132-134 DC|Number of Hours Worked|Enter the number of hours the employee worked in the reporting period. \\Right justify and fill with zeroes
|125-146 DC|Blank|Fill with blanks
|147-161|State Unemployment Insurance Account Number|Enter the State Unemployment Insurance Account Number \\Right justify and fill with blanks \\Derived from the SUI Registration Number from on [IDGV]
|162-176 DC|Blank|Fill with blanks
|177 DC|Adjustment Reason|Enter the reason code for adjustment to employee wages
|178-209 DC|Blank|Fill with blanks
|210 DC|Owner/Officer Relationship|Include the owner/officer relationship of the worker.
|211-214 DC|Blank|Fill with blanks
|215-220 DC|Reporting Quarter and Year|Enter the last month and year of the calendar quarter this report applies to, in MMYYYY format.  Example: 0320YY for first quarter of 20YY
|221-226 DC|Month First Employed|Enter the month and year when the employee was first employed, in MMYYYY format \\Optional.  Fill with blanks if not known.
|227-232 DC|Month the employee became separated from employment|Enter the month and year when the employee separated from employment, in MMYYYY format  \\Optional.  Fill with blanks if not known.
|233-276 DC|Blank|Fill with blanks

!Record Name: Code T - Total Record	
|1|Record Identifier|Constant ‘T’
|2-8|Total Number of Employees|Enter the total number of ‘S’ records reported since the last ‘E’ record \\Right justify and zero fill
|9-26 DC|Blank|Fill with blanks
|27-40|State QTR Unemployment Insurance Total Wages for Employer|Enter the total quarterly gross wages subject to State unemployment tax.  Include all tip income. \\Include cents but omit decimal.  \\Right justify and fill with zeroes   \\The total of this field on all ‘S’ records since the last ‘E’ record
|41-54|State QTR Unemployment Insurance Excess Wages for Employer|Enter the total quartertly wages in excess of the State UI taxable wage base. Include all tip income. \\Include cents but omit decimal. \\Right justify and fill with zeroes           \\  Total of all ‘S’ records since the last ‘E’ record
|55-68|State QTR Unemployment Insurance Taxable Wages for Employer|Enter the quartertly UI total wages less state quartertly UI excess wages. \\Right justify and zero fill \\ Total of all ‘S’ records since the last ‘E’ record 
|69-81 DC|Blank|Fill with blanks
|82-87 DC|Reporting Quarter and Year|Enter the last month and year this report applies to, in MMYYYY format. \\Right justify and zero fill 
|88-226 DC|Blank|Fill with blanks
|227-233|Month 1 Employment for Employer|Enter the number of covered employees who worked or received pay for the pay period including the 12th day of the 1st month of the reporting period.  \\Right justify and zero fill 
|234-240|Month 2 Employment for Employer|Enter the number of covered employees who worked or received pay for the pay period including the 12th day of the 2nd month of the reporting period.  \\Right justify and zero fill 
|241-247|Month 3 Employment for Employer|Enter the number of covered employees who worked or received pay for the pay period including the 12th day of the 3rd month of the reporting period.  \\Right justify and zero fill 
|248-276|Blank|Fill with blanks

!Record Name: Code F - Final Record	
|1-1|Record Identifier|Constant ‘F’
|2-11|Total Number of Employees in File|Enter the total number of ‘S’ records in the entire file  \\Right justify and zero fill 
|12-40 DC|Blank|Fill with blanks
|41-55|Quarterly State Unemployment Insurance Total Wages in File|Enter the total quarterly wages subject to state UI tax  \\Include cents but omit decimal. \\Right justify and fill with zeroes \\Total of this field for all ‘S’ records in the file
|56-276 DC|Blank|Fill with blanks

![Notes|Edit:Internal.Tax Reporting - DC]
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