!Contract Processing Terminology
||[A|1] [B|2] [C|3] [D|4] [E|5] [F|6] [G|7] [H|8] [I|9] [J|10] [K|11] [L|12] [M|13] [N|14] [O|15] [P|16] [Q|17] [R|18] [S|19] [T|20] [U|21] [V|22] [W|23] [X|24] [Y|25] [Z|26]
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"No Terminology"
;Base Pay:The amount that an employee will receive each pay period. 
;Cells:Specific points on a rate matrix; maintained on the Define Rate Matrix (ISRM) form.
;Contract Employee:An employee who receives a payment for services for a specified time frame and is not governed by a contract bank. 
;Contract Limit:The amount of pay that the employee will receive over the life of the contract. The amount is equal to the contract amount until the employee contract is reclassified and there is a change is the rate of pay.
;Dock Days:Absence days that are entered as payroll transactions (keyed/loaded) to reduce the employee’s pay due to absence days that are unpaid. Dock days will reduce the amount paid and earned through regular element setup.
;Earned Days:Calculated as total actual days worked from the contract definition plus paid holidays from the holiday calendar. 
"No Terminology"
"No Terminology"
;Holiday Calendar:Defines the annual holiday schedules that are used by the organization. It specifies the dates and names of the public holidays employees may take, as well as any organization specific holiday arrangements.
;Hourly Paid Employee:An employee who receives payment of regular wages based on the time worked in the pay period.
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"No Terminology"
"No Terminology"
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''No Terminology''
''No Terminology''
;Personnel Actions:Date sensitive proposals to change a person's employment and/or work arrangement, for which some kind of approval is required. 
;Premiums:Used to track and pay extra time and earnings that are not strictly wages.
''No Terminology''
''No Terminology''
;Salary Contract Employee:An employee who receives their contract amount over equal pay periods (Base Pay), but actually earns the salary based on the days paid in the pay period.
;Salary Employee:A permanent employee who receives an equal payment amount for each pay period for their regular wages.    A salary employee may or may not be eligible for overtime. 
;Salary Ranges:General guidelines for the compensation an employee is to receive. They are used by HHRMePersonality to hold the possible minimum, midpoint, and maximum salary that may be applicable to a job.
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''No Terminology''
''No Terminology''
;Wage Step Rules:Used to define the criteria needed to move an employee through the steps within a scale, and to trigger this event, increasing (or decreasing) the employees’ wages. 
;Wage Surveys:Standards (internal or external) that determine the possible wage to be paid for a job or position. Wage surveys may be affected by industry or company standards of pay. 
;Wages (Wage Scales):Consist of a grouping of ‘steps’ that an employee can usually progress through when certain specifications have been achieved.
''No Terminology''\\
''No Terminology''\\
''No Terminology''\\

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