!!!SS_EMPTY_FRM_MSG (System Preference)
__NOTE - This Preference has been Deprecated.__
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SS_EMPTY_FRM_MSG is a site preference which when set to ‘Y’ will display a message to the employee when there is no data in the form to display. The messages are pre-defined in [IMMS] and are named ‘<FORM_NAME>_EMPTY’, where FORM_NAME is the name of the form i.e.: [WEBOEE]. These messages can be tailored in [IMMS] using translations. 

Example message codes are: WEBOEE_Empty, WEBEN_Empty, WEALP_Empty. 

This preference may be set by site ([IMST]).

[{InsertPage page='Internal.SS_EMPTY_FRM_MSG(System_Preference)' default='Click to create a new notes page'}]