If you have a database that you wish to load, please enter a case through customer care and provide the following information:
- Database dump file ... the location of the dump file to be loaded and if it was created with EXP (export) or EXPDP (data pump)
- Target database ... identify which database instance, and server you want to be loaded
- Target application ... identify which instance and application server you want to link to it
- Version ... identify the version of the Personality application to be applied on the application server
- Vertex ... y/n if you need a Vertex Server to be started against this data base
- Symmetry ... y/n if you want the data base to be pointed to our current symmetry engine on HESTIA
- Special Instructions ... If there is anything else specifically noted to be done to this environment
- Notify ... who should be notified (if more than just you) when this load is finished