QA STEPS for 4xx.05 Releases#

1. 2 Lists of Defects for QA of 4xx05 releases

* Spreadsheet ‘Customers on PANDORA\~4xx00.05\QA_LIST_xx05_Release_Defects.xlsx’ * Spreadsheet is ‘shared’ so multiple users can access and update * 2 Tabs on Spreadsheet (1 for each environment) – 4.11xx Defects & 4.50xx Defects * Filter by QA Person

2. QA to be done in 2 environments – each defect needs to be tested in both environments 4.11.xx – HERMES-AS04 (database = db04.hestia) 4.50.xx – WL1A.ZEUS-50 (database = w01.ZEUS.wd) - Log in with Userid = your name and Password = p2k

3. Results of your QA must be documented depending on outcome…..

!PASSES QA - Enter ACTIVITY SYNOPSIS = ‘PASSED QA – on 4.11.05’ or ‘PASSED QA – on 4.50.05’ DESCRIPTION – write scenario used to test  MUST document setup needed to get defect tested and/or any changes that were needed to be done in order to get the system to work • for example, to get specific data on report, needed to reply to a parameter with a specific value • Please make sure you specify the employee or pay# or batch#, etc. used in your scenario  We would like any other notes entered that would be helpful as we want to update the KNOWLEDGE BASE where needed ASSIGNED TO - set to KPARROTT COMPLETE - leave as ‘*** Still Open ***’ DEFECT STATUS – leave as is - Update the Spreadsheet – note that there are 2 tabs, so update the appropriate tab for the system tested. o Enter QA DATE and QA STATUS=PASSED QA

!FAILED QA - Enter ACTIVITY SYNOPSIS = ‘FAILED QA – on 4.11.05’ or ‘FAILED QA – on 4.50.05’ DESCRIPTION – write scenario used to test  MUST document setup needed to get defect tested and/or any changes that were needed to be done in order to get the system to work • for example, to get specific data on report, needed to reply to a parameter with a specific value • Please make sure you specify the employee or pay# or batch#, etc. used in your scenario  We would like any other notes entered that would be helpful for the developer to see the issue ASSIGNED TO - set to KPARROTT COMPLETE - leave as ‘*** Still Open ***’ DEFECT STATUS – leave as is - Update the Spreadsheet – note that there are 2 tabs, so update the appropriate tab for the system tested. o Enter QA DATE and QA STATUS=FAILED QA

4. SEND an EMAIL at the end of each day to myself, copying Robert Forbes & Brian Diamond - listing the Defects tested and the status of each. Be sure to include the status on each system tested.

HighLine.Standard Operating Procedures