A macro is available to convert MS Word .doc and .docx file into text files with JSPWiki formatting tags.
The macro is called Word2JSPWiki.bas
- Open the Word document
- Select menu Tools -> Macro -> Visual Basic Editor or press Alt+F11
- In the new window that opens select menu File -> Import File... or press Ctrl+M
- Import the file Word2JSPWiki.bas, or open the attachment.
- To convert the document select menu Run -> Run Macro or press F5
- Select Word2Wiki and click Run
- A new Word window is created named Document1. If the text in the document is not already selected press Ctrl+A to select all text and paste into the new wiki page
- Check the wiki markup and fix if necessary.
Picture handling is pretty primative - will replace pictures with sequential jpeg or gif file references (image002.jpg, image004.jpg, image005.gif etc) and save a copy of the original file as html in the parent dir. From the wiki, load up the jpeg and gif files from the "<docname>_JSPWiki_files" folder and if images not too exotic, and no images are re-used, you are sweet. Otherwise, just go through and fix the references, because file number sequences will be out. Extensions (.gif or .jpg) should be good.
I am a techie, converting tech docs. This macro will automatically convert blocks of "Courier" and "Courier New" font to code blocks. If you don't want this - disable the ConvertCode subroutine call (add ' in front).