Configuring a New PC#
When a new computer arrives for an employee, the following software should be configured as noted:All client computers#
- Add to network
- Enable remote desktop
- Change power profile to never sleep
- HQ to add computer to NEOGOV0 domain via remote access
- HQ to add Anti-virus and mobile management suite via remote access
- MS Office - Only for sales and executive team that request 365 licence
- All latest MS System upgrades
- Notepad ++
- Adobe Reader
- Chrome
- Firefox
- Access to printers
- 7-zip file compression software
- Java JRE WebStart - Currently 1.8_60
- Oracle 12c Client - TNSNAMES.ORA is linked from \\pandora\dfs\TNS_Admin
- LastPass
- VPN Client software (GlobalProtect)
- WinSCP
- FileZilla FTP Client
- Putty
- SQL Developer - latest version
- Windward Autotag
Support (App/Tech)#
- WinSCP
- FileZilla FTP Client
- Putty
- SQL Developer - latest version