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Self Service has had a face lift (as of 5.04 Release).  Menus have been moved to the left side of the screen and allow for space for new Manager and Employee finds.  The right side will have a ‘Menu’ [IMMU] used to control contexed links of what work may be done based on the function in the content area of Self Service 

Menus will be based on IMMU definitions. Left side menus are controlled by the Role the user has selecte3d. Menus will be located within ‘Tabs’. These tabs will also be part of the IMMU definitions. The top-level definitions will be named to identify ‘left or right’ and the role they are intended.  

* IMMU must have the top-level menus provided by default through seed data
* Top level Right side – RIGHT_MAIN 
* Top level menus definitions are rendered as the Tabs ONLY.   Each MUST be defined as a “SubMenu” and have reference to another menu definition.  Menu label on each is used as the tab label.

[{Image src='IMMU_MSS_LEFT_MAIN.jpg' width='700' link='attach/IMMU_MSS_LEFT_MAIN/IMMU_MSS_LEFT_MAIN.jpg'}]

* A tab may contain other sub menus or one of the employee find function like WMOCM - Self Service Manager Org Chart Menu, or WAEF - SS Administrator Employee Find.   Other functions defined directly as tab contents are NOT supported.  
* Employee find functions for a manager or administrator are to be defined as “Embedded Functions”. WMOCM and WAEF are the only two functions supported like this.

[{Image src='IMMU_MSS_PM.jpg' width='560' link='attach/IMMU_MSS_PM/IMMU_MSS_PM.jpg’}]

!!Right Side Tabs – Related Tasks
* Related tasks are simply drill downs defined for each function. They may be added by each client as they decide where and what they would like the ‘user’ to do next from each screen in Self Service.  
* Drill downs are typically defined in IMFDH on the Menus/Drill Downs tab with an association to a form item.  This definition technique is only used in Admin.   For Self Service related task, the drill down item is suggested to be defined as a negative number to easily be visible as an SS related task.
* Only functions for which the user has execution rights will be listed in the related-tasks. 
* The right-side tab is defined as a menu RIGHT_MAIN.  This top-level menu follows the same rules as the left. This top menu must only contain sub menus which are rendered as tabs. The menu label ios used on tab label. 

[{Image src='IMMU_RIGHT_MAIN.jpg' width='560' link='attach/IMMU_RIGHT_MAIN/IMMU_RIGHT_MAIN.jpg’}]

* Clients upgrading from 5.03.?? or less to 5.04 or higher must make changes to the role/menu associations.
* Example: The old top-level menu for the manager role was MSS MAIN and must be change to MSS_LEFT_MAIN.    This change would be made for all Self Service roles.

[{Image src='IMMU_MSS_LEFT_MAIN_01.jpg' width='560' link='attach/IMMU_MSS_LEFT_MAIN_01/IMMU_MSS_LEFT_MAIN_01.jpg’}]

* Execution rights must also be given to the new tab functions for the left – WMOCM, WAEF and the right WAMFDD. 

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