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!!Processing Information
The Report Scheduled Time (RTTEP) report will allow you to report  shift pattern scheduled time.

•	Parameters
	Entity
-	Entity  for the report
	Starting Date
-	Start Date of the time frame for report
	Ending Date
-	End Date of  the  time frame for the report

	Print Off Days
-	current version
o	if it is  the parameter set to yes will not  make any difference on the scheduled time  printed by the report
o	if it is set to yes in addition "Print Only Exception" then the report will show only time entries that are not  work time
-	new  version - Print only time entries associate with a leave line 
Note: We added the Leave Type information in the main area. Please see new report layout example
	Print Only Exceptions
-	Print only the time entries that are not work time type(05 on X_TIME_ENTRY_TYPE)
	Print Extra Clock Punches -  to be renamed as  Unprocessed Clock Punches for better reflection of  what  is printing
The information it will be printed only when  the parameter is set to yes, and looks like green rounded area on new  report layout example

	Print Missing  Clock Punches -to be renamed as Print Clock Punches to reflect what is doing on RTTE
-	new  version layout to be changed  to  show in addition information Expected Punches Prediction like on W%TMCP
The information it will be printed only when  the parameter is set to yes, and looks like  blue rounded area  on new  report layout example
	New parameter Print Missing Punches  to report the schedule/ unscheduled missing punches
-	add  new areas where o show summary by date of schedule/unscheduled missing punches similar W%MPTC
The information it will be printed only when  the parameter is set to yes and looks like red rounded area on new  report layout example 
The missing punch  information it will be  reported only for  EE team post assignment
The job is displayed for unscheduled punches since this is the information that is driving the assignment
	Sort People By - removed 
•	Filters
	Print only Time Code - removed
	Work Division  - only on shift pattern version
	Work Area - only on shift pattern version
	Work Station - only on shift pattern version
	Work Team - only on shift pattern version

•	Layout change
	Current version

	New version
-	 Main area
•	Move the date as  the first column
•	Sort by Start Time (IN)
•	Add a non schedule time indicator( the time entries are not associated with a scheduled shift)
•	Add a Leave Type on a main area
•	After the EE name and assignment, the report will display the information about the rand, job and  department of the station where EE is schedule to work 
•	Added  Expected Punches prediction like  on W%TMCP
•	Exception column should not print Clock Punch  exception
-	Added an additional two areas to summarize by day Missing Punches Scheduled/Unscheduled like on W%TMCP screen 
-	For Shift Pattern the report to be group by Work Division, Area, Station, Team
	Example of the  new report

Development Approach
This is an optional section to describe the steps the developer would go through in fulfilling the project goals.
Questions / Additional Notes
This section should contain questions that have been or need to be asked/answered so that the project can be completed.
Development Problems / Issues
Provide an outline of all problems, issues or challenges encountered while doing the development work (or anticipated up front).

This section MUST be filled out by the developer.  It should provide an outline of any business or technical setup required, a list of all processing considerations, and a list of all functions involved in the setup and usage of the feature.

Resources Released
This does not need to include java classes but should include icons, style changes and documents.

Quality Assurance
Note the QA person, date, feature QA’d and any comments or set up notes along with the severity or urgency of the issue.  Please do not repeat the whole Requirements / Features section here.  Include where you were working, the test case and all steps required to reproduce the issue [if needed].

Document Revision History
Identifies each document version and who made the change and when.
Version	Author/Date	Description
1.00	EC20110628	Initial Version

!!Report Parameters & Filters
||Report Parameters||
|Entity|Mandatory, LOV available\\This field allows you to select the entity for which this report is being produced.
|Starting Date/Ending Date|Mandatory,Date, LOV available\\These fields indicate the dates for which information is to be collected for the report.
|Print Off Days|Optional,[Yes or No|X_YES_NO] lexicon available\\If <YES>, the report will print the details of the information collected.
|Print Only Exceptions|Optional,[Yes or No|X_YES_NO] lexicon available\\If <YES>, the report will print the details of the information collected.
|Print Only Time Code|Optional, Multiple Selection available, LOV Available
|Print Extra Clock Punch|Optional,[Yes or No|X_YES_NO] lexicon available\\If <YES>, the report will print the details of the information collected.
|Print Missing Clock Punch|Optional,[Yes or No|X_YES_NO] lexicon available\\If <YES>, the report will print the details of the information collected.
|Sort People By|Mandatory,[Sort People By|X_PERSON_SORT] lexicon available\\This field will indicate how the people information will be sorted.\\

||Report Filters||
|Work Division|Optional, Multiple Selection available, LOV available\\This will limit the report to the work divisions selected.
|Work Area|Optional, Multiple Selection available, LOV available\\This will limit the report to the work areas selected.
|Work Station|Optional, Multiple Selection available, LOV available\\This will limit the report to the work stations selected.
|Work Team|Optional, Multiple Selection available, LOV available\\This will limit the report to the work teams selected.

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