Processing Information#

After the Worker Compensation contributions are calculated in the pay cycle, you should gather the totals and remit them to the WC authority. You can run the RPWCW report to produce Total Earnings by WCB class.

Report Parameters & Filters#

Report Parameters
From DateMandatory, Date, LOV Available
Transactions are selected based on date.
To DateMandatory, Date, LOV Available
Transactions are selected based on date.
Show DetailsOptional, Toggle
If ON the report will provide all details of the total earnings.
Sort People ByMandatory, LOV Available
You may indicate that the report should sort employee information by person code
or by last name/first name.
Trace LevelOptional, LOV Available
When performing a trial calculation, you may specify the level of message that the
calculation report should display. This field is used for troubleshooting purposes.
User CommentsOptional, Text
This field holds the user-supplied comment which will appear in the header of all pages of the report.

Report Filters
Entity Optional, LOV Available
This field allows you to indicate the entity for which the report is run.
Payroll Optional, LOV Available
This field is used to limit the report to the payrolls indicated.
State Optional, LOV Available
This field is used to limit the report to the states indicated.
WC Regist NumberOptional, LOV Available
This field is used to limit the report to the WC Registration numbers indicated.
People ListOptional, LOV Available
This field is used to limit the report to the people lists indicated.
PersonOptional, LOV Available
This field is used to limit the report to the persons indicated.

Notes #

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