!!Processing Information
The Journal Entries Report by Segment is an optional report that may be run after the Labor and Payroll G/L Update, to verify the journal entries.

The Execution Id of the General Ledger Update is an important key to producing the report of the process.

Entering in the GL Company and the Execution Id from the [UPGL] run is all that is needed to execute this function.

!!Report Parameters 

||Report Parameters||
|GL Company Code|Mandatory, LOV Available \\GL Company that the pays must be journalized for, as set up in the [IDGC] form.
|Entity|Optional, LOV Available\\The field limits the process to the entity specified.
|Payroll|Optional, LOV Available\\The field limits the process to the payroll specified.
|Journal Source| Optional, LOV Available \\Journal Source indicates where the entries are originating from Labor G/L, Payroll \\G/L, Accrual G/L, Trial Labor G/L, Trial Payroll G/L, or Trial Accrual G/L. \\The field limits the process to the journal source specified.
|Journal Type|Optional, LOV Available\\The Journal Type may be Financial or Statistical.
|From Fiscal Period| Optional, LOV Available\\ This field allows you to specify a beginning Fiscal Period used to qualify the Journal Entries \\(according to the [IDCL] set up).
|Up to Fiscal Period|Optional, LOV Available\\This field allows you to specify a ending Fiscal Period used to qualify the Journal Entries\\ (according to the [IDCL] set up).
|From Pay Issue Date|Optional, Date, LOV Available\\Pay headers with the pay issue dates within the specified From - To pay issued date will \\be processed.
|To Pay Issue Date|Optional, Date, LOV Available\\Pay headers with the pay issue dates within the specified From - To pay issued date will \\be processed.
|From Execution ID|Optional, LOV Available\\This is the Execution ID from the Labor or Payroll General Ledger Update ([UPLG] or [UPGL]).
|Up to 8 Elements|Optional, LOV Available \\Report can be run for up to 8 specific elements that have been defined.
|Test Person|Optional, LOV Available\\You may specify one or more employees for processing.
|Up To 10 Dist. Mask| Optional, LOV Available \\Report can be run for up to 10 specific Distribution Masks. The mask can be entered selecting hard-coded \\segments to report on.\\ie: 01-7000-????? - only distributions with 01 in the 1st segment and 7000 in the 2nd segment will be reported.
|Trace Level |Optional, LOV Available\\You may specify the level of messages that the report should display. This field is \\used for troubleshooting purposes.

||Run Options||
|Print in Detail|Optional [Yes or No|X_YES_NO], Lexicon available, Defaults to ‘No’ \\If <Yes> then the journal entry details will be displayed on the report, otherwise no details will display on the report.

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