!!Processing Information
The RPGRC form allows you to print out a listing Canadian government reporting.
!!Report Parameters & Filters

||Report Parameters||
|Form Code|Mandatory, LOV available\\This field allows you to chose the form for the report.
|Govt Interface Format|Mandatory, LOV available
|Period Type|Mandatory, [Period Type|X_IDFD_PERIOD_TYPE] Lexicon available
|Period End Date|Mandatory,Date, LOV Available
|As of Date|Mandatory,Date, LOV Available
|Govt Form Option|Mandatory, [Govt Form Option|X_GVT_FORM_OPTION] Lexicon available
|Sort Level By|Mandatory, [Sort Level By|X_T4_SORT_LEVEL] Lexicon available
|Sort People By|Mandatory, [Sort People By|X_PERSON_SORT] Lexicon available
|Sort by Active/Inactive|Optional, [Sort By|X_W2_SORT_ACTIVE] Lexicon available
|Directory Name|Optional,Text\\This field allows you to provide a directory name.
|File Name|Optional,Text\\This field allows you to provide a file name.
|Trace Level|Optional, [Trace Level|X_TRACE_LEVEL], Lexicon available. This field defines the exception level (report messages) required.
|Print Employee Detail|Optional, Lexicon available\\If <Yes> then the employee details will be displayed on the report, otherwise no details will display on the report.
|Trial Print Only|Optional, Lexicon available\\You may choose to run the report in a trial mode to see results
|Create File|Optional, Lexicon available
|User Comment|Optional, Text\\This field holds the user-supplied comment which will appear in the header of all pages of the report.

||Report List Filters||
|GVT Run Number|Optional, Multiple selections, LOV available
|Entity|Optional, Multiple selections, LOV available
|Federal Regist Set|Optional, Multiple selections, LOV available
|Federal Regist Number|Optional, Multiple selections, LOV available
|People List|Optional, Multiple selections, LOV available
|Person|Optional, Multiple selections, LOV available
|Select Province|Optional, Multiple selections, LOV available
|Province Regist Set|Optional, Multiple selections, LOV available
|Prov Regist Number|Optional, Multiple selections, LOV available

[{If var='loginstatus' contains 'authenticated'

[{InsertPage page='Internal.RPGRC' default='Click to create a new discussion page'}] 	
