!!Processing Information
This is the Report Payroll Government Reporting for Canada.  This process reads the Government Reporting table information generated by [RPYEC].

A Summary Total Report by government registration or by detail employee for a selected Form Code as defined on [IDFDV] is produced. 

Each RPGRC run generates one GVT Run (Government Run Number) and all employees processed by a RPGRC run belong to this GVT Run Number.

After RPGRC is run, user can go into [IPGR] Government Run screen for online inquiry by GVT Run number.  From the [IPGR] screen, the user can pop into employee’s detail government reporting information on [IPGH] (Government Header) inquiry screen.  The user can also go directly to [IPGH] inquiry screen by employee.

The user may run one or many RPGRC runs for different sets of employees and will this generate multiple GVT Run numbers. 

The RPGRC generates the government Magnetic Media file to be submitted to the government.

The RPGRC generates the XML files to feed into the Oracle form print programs - RPT4, RPT4A, RPRL1 etc to print T4, T4A or Releve Forms by employees.

At the end of each run, RPGRC removes any GVT Run Number that does not have GVT Header associates with it.

!!Report Parameters & Filters

||Report Parameters||
|Form Code|Mandatory, LOV available\\This field allows you to choose the form for the report.
|Govt Interface Format|Mandatory, LOV available\\This field allows you to choose the government interface form for the report.
|Period Type|Mandatory, [Period Type|X_IDFD_PERIOD_TYPE] Lexicon available\\This field allows you to choose the period type for the report.
|Period End Date|Mandatory,Date, LOV Available\\This field allows you to choose the period end date for the report.
|As of Date|Mandatory,Date, LOV Available\\This field allows you to choose the as of date for the report.
|Govt Form Option|Mandatory, [Govt Form Option|X_GVT_FORM_OPTION] Lexicon available\\This field allows you to choose the government form option for the report.
|Sort Level By|Mandatory, [Sort Level By|X_T4_SORT_LEVEL] Lexicon available\\This field lets you sort the report by level.
|Sort People By|Mandatory, [Sort People By|X_PERSON_SORT] Lexicon available\\This field will indicate how the people information will be sorted.
|Sort by Active/Inactive|Optional, [Sort By|X_W2_SORT_ACTIVE] Lexicon available\\This field lets you sort the report by active/inactive.
|Directory Name|Optional,Text\\This field allows you to provide a directory name.
|File Name|Optional,Text\\This field allows you to provide a file name.
|Trace Level|Optional, [Trace Level|X_TRACE_LEVEL], Lexicon available. This field defines the exception level (report messages) required.
|Print Employee Detail|Optional, Lexicon available\\If <Yes> then the employee details will be displayed on the report, otherwise no details will display on the report.
|Trial Print Only|Optional, Lexicon available\\You may choose to run the report in a trial mode to see results
|Create File|Optional,[Yes or No|X_YES_NO],Lexicon available\\If NO, the report will be run without creating an interface file (normally for testing purposes). 
|User Comment|Optional, Text\\This field holds the user-supplied comment which will appear in the header of all pages of the report.

||Report List Filters||
|GVT Run Number|Optional, Multiple selections, LOV available\\This field limits the report to the specified run numbers.
|Entity|Optional, Multiple selections, LOV available\\This field limits the report to the specified entities.
|Federal Regist Set|Optional, Multiple selections, LOV available\\This field limits the report to the specified federal registration sets.
|Federal Regist Number|Optional, Multiple selections, LOV available\\This field limits the report to the specified federal registration numbers.
|People List|Optional, Multiple selections, LOV available\\This field limits the report to the specified people lists.
|Person|Optional, Multiple selections, LOV available\\This field limits the report to the specified persons.
|Select Province|Optional, Multiple selections, LOV available\\This field limits the report to the specified provinces.
|Province Regist Set|Optional, Multiple selections, LOV available\\This field limits the report to the specified province registration sets.
|Prov Regist Number|Optional, Multiple selections, LOV available\\This field limits the report to the specified province registration numbers.

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