PRODUCE EEO-4 REPORT (State and Local Government Information Report)#

The Produce EEO-4 (REEO4) report allows you to produce the EEO4 Report that may be required for U.S. state and local governments. For Hawaii, please use the REEO4A.

Report Parameters
EntityMandatory, LOV Available
This field limits the report to the single entity selected.
Org Level TypeOptional, LOV Available
This will limit the report to the organization levels by the type that they have been grouped into.
Org LevelOptional, LOV Available
This will limit the report to the organization levels selected.

If you wish to select a single 'Org Level Code', then this parameter must be supplied, otherwise it can be left blank.
StateOptional, LOV Available
This field limits the report to the state selected.
Fiscal Year Start DateDate, LOV Available
The start date used to determine new hires for the fiscal period.
Fiscal Year End DateDate, LOV Available
The end date used to determine new hires for the fiscal period. The Fiscal period ends June 30 of the reporting year
As of DateDate, LOV Available
The as-of date is used to establish employee demographics and should cover the payroll period which includes June 30.
Full Time GroupsMandatory, LOV Available
This field limits the report to full time employees. This allows for the selection of multiple 'Group Types' in IDGR to be used when selecting full time employees for the report.
Part Time GroupsMandatory, LOV Available
This field limits the report to part time employees. This allows for the selection of multiple 'Group Types' in IDGR to be used when selecting part time employees for the report.
Print EEO-4 Tabs Only*Optional, Yes or No,
Default to <No> if left blank
If <Yes> then the .xlsx will only include EEO-4 Report data and no additional details.
The following tabs will be included in the report;
- Instructions
- Full-Time
- Other Than Full Time
- New Hires During Fiscal Year
<Yes> in this parameter will result in the "Print Employee Details" option to be ignored and default to <No>.
Print Employee Details*Optional, Yes or No, LOV available
Default to <No> if left blank
If <Yes> then the policy details (components, rules, etc.) will be displayed on the report. This information is not required by the government.
"Print EEO-4 Tabs Only" must be set to <No> for this option to be picked up by the report.
The 'Print Employee Details' parameter can be set to 'Y' to list the employees individually at the end of the report. This information is not part of the information required by the government.
The following tabs will be included in the report;
- Instructions
- Parameters
- Run Log
- Full-Time
- Other Than Full Time
- New Hires During Fiscal Year
- Full-Time Employee Details
- Other Than FT Employee Details
- New Hires Employee Details
Trace LevelMandatory, LOV available
You may select the level of logging desired: ‘Exceptions Only’, ‘User Trace’, ‘Internal Level’ ‘Legislation’, ‘UserCalc Trace’, ‘Program Trace’ or 'Utility Trace'.

If ‘Utility Trace’ is selected, the Employee Details will be printed in the summary section. This become a useful way to see which employees are being counted in each section of the summary report.
User CommentOptional, Manual
If populated this comment will appear in the report output.
Certifying OfficialMandatory, Manual
This field indicates the name of the individual who has certified the information in the report.
Title of Cert. OfficialMandatory, Manual
This field displays the title of the individual who has certified the information in the report.
Contact PersonMandatory, Manual
This field identifies the individual who can be contacted about the report.
Title of ContactMandatory, Manual
This field displays the title of the contact person for the report.
Contact PhoneOptional, Text, Manual
This field displays the phone number for the contact person.
Revised YearMandatory, Manual
This field indicates the government revision date of this report. This must be 4 characters in length.
Report TitleDefaults As <1999 Eeo-4 Report>
This field indicates the title of the report. This field defaults to the 1999 EEO-4 report. You must change the year as necessary
Control NumberMandatory, Manual
This field must be a number up to 8 characters in length
CertificationDefaults as <CERTIFICATION. I certified that the information given in this report is correct and true to the best of my knowledge and was reported in accordance with accompanying instruction. (Willfully false statements on this report are punishable by law, U.S. Code, Title 10, Section 1001.)>
Create FileOptional. This parameter determines if the .txt file is generated with the REEO4 information.
Yes or blank - the .txt file is generated with REEO4 information.
No - will cause the .txt file to not be created.
Directory NameDefines the valid Directory Name for the .txt file

Report Filters
EEOC FunctionOptional, Multiple Selection Available, LOV Available
This field limits the report to the EEOC function selected.
Test EmployeeOptional, Multiple Selection Available, LOV Available
This field limits the report to the test employee selected.

This field can be useful to determine which category in the summary that an employee is included.

Version 1#

The EEO-4 data upload file specifications for 2021 reporting uses an Excel XLSX format. Each Excel data upload file represents one state or local government filing an EEO-4 Report, including all of their functions. Filers submitting on behalf of multiple state or local governments will need to provide multiple Excel data upload files. To begin, filers must create an account and provide some preliminary information on the state or local government in the EEO-4 Online filing System in order to upload a data file. Uploaded data files must meet all submission requirements to be accepted. Filers must certify their submission to complete the reporting process.

Instructions for creating an EEO-4 data upload file:#

  • Filers must provide data using the 2021 Excel EEO-4 data upload file layout specifications.
  • Only valid numeric values between 0 and 9999 are allowed.
  • No decimals are allowed.
  • Letters (a, b, c, etc.) and special characters (!, @, #, etc.) are not allowed.
  • Blank, missing, and 0 values are all treated as cells without data.
  • The EEO-4 instruction booklet provides additional information on who must file, when to file, data to be reported in EEO-4 Report, definitions, descriptions, and legal requirements. The instruction booklet is available online at:

Instructions for submitting the EEO-4 data upload file:#

  • Filers must register for an account in the EEO-4 Online Filing System.
  • Additional information is collected through the EEO-4 Online Filing System prior to uploading the data upload file.
  • Data upload files must be submitted in XLSX formats through the EEO-4 Online Filing System.
  • The data upload is processed and used to fill out the data entry form in the EEO-4 Online Filing System. Once the data file is uploaded, the data may be further edited in data entry gird before being submitted.
  • Some filers may have to provide additional information when the data is reviewed.
  • In order to finalize the data file upload, the EEO-4 Report must be certified within the EEO-4 Online Filing System.

EEO-4 Online Filing System:

EEO-4 Instruction Booklet:

The following four Excel worksheets (tabs) comprise this data upload file:#

  • Instructions Worksheet (Tab 1): No data fields collected.
  • Full-Time Worksheet (Tab 2): Full-time employee data should cover the payroll period which includes June 30th of the reporting year (i.e., 2021). Data can be entered only into columns D-Q and rows 2-961.
  • Other Than Full-Time Worksheet (Tab 3): Part-time employee data should cover the payroll period which includes June 30th of the reporting year (i.e., 2021). Data can be entered only into columns C-P and rows 2-121.
  • New Hires During Fiscal Year Worksheet (Tab 4): Filers must provide a breakout of new permanent full-time hires during the fiscal year (i.e., July 1st, 2020 – June 30th, 2021). Data for such new hires covers the entire fiscal year which ends on June 30th of the reporting year (i.e., 2021). The relevant time period for the 2021 reporting year would be July 1st, 2020 – June 30th, 2021. Data can be entered only into columns C-P and rows 2-121.

Troubleshooting #

If both the "Print EEO-4 Tabs Only" and "Print Employee Details" are set to <No>, than the output will consist of the tabs listed above with the addition of a tab for Run logs. This is to allow for troubleshooting and reviewing the report process if problems occour.

Notes #

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