The Report on Training Courses Required by Employee (RCCSW) report will show which courses are recommended and required for an employee.  This function generates the report as an Excel spreadsheet.

!!Processing Information

Courses must first be on the schedule in [ICCS] to identify which courses are available to the employees. 

To confirm the setup on the schedule, you can run Report on Training Courses Required by Position ([RCTRP]) report to see results by position.

Once an employee has been hired, [URGC] needs to be run to create a candidate profile for them and [UCCS] needs to be run to create development activities based on the setup from [ICCS].

This report can also be run for existing employees to determine which courses have expired or are approaching expiry as of a specific date.

It is important to maintain course completion information for all employees in the Personal Development Profile ([ICPD]) screen as the information and dates on this screen drive the RCCS report.
!!Report Parameters & Filters
||Report Filters||
|Entity|Multiple selections, LOV available, <ALL>\\The report may be run for a particular Entity. 
|Unit|Multiple selections, LOV available, <ALL>\\The report may be run to display data for a particular unit on the schedule. 
|Group|Multiple selections, LOV available, <ALL>\\The report may be run to display data for a particular group on the schedule. 
|Department|Multiple selections, LOV available, <ALL>\\The report may be run to display data for a particular department on the schedule. 
|Location|Multiple selections, LOV available, <ALL>\\The report may be run to display data for a particular location on the schedule. 
|Job|Multiple selections, LOV available, <ALL>\\The report may be run to display data for a particular job on the schedule. 
|Position|Multiple selections, LOV available, <ALL>\\The report may be run to display data for a particular position on the schedule. 
|Person|Multiple selections, LOV available, <ALL>\\The report may be run to display data for a particular person on the schedule. 

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