!!Processing Information
A report, RBEN, is available to list the enrollment details that has been entered for employees. The report may be run for a specific plan type, benefit plan, and/or processing stage. The report provides specific details on the employee's enrollment. 

!!Report Parameters & Filters

||Report Parameters||
|As Of|Mandatory, Date, LOV available\\Benefit Election and Enrollment records are selected up to and including \\the As Of Date (Cut-off) supplied on the selection form.
|Break By|Optional, LOV available\\You may choose to break the report by department, unit or group.
|Sort People By|Mandatory, LOV available, defaults as <Person Code>\\Employees will be printed in this order on the report - person code \\or last name/first name.
|User Comment|Optional, Text\\Users may enter a comment here that will appear on the selection \\criteria (header page) of the report. This is useful during testing \\phases to identify similar reports from each other.

||Report Filters||

|People List Code|Mandatory, Multiple selection, and LOV available\\A People List may be used to indicate specific employee transaction to be processed.
|Person Code|Mandatory, Multiple selection and LOV available\\The person code(s) of specific employee(s) to be processed.
|Entity|Mandatory, LOV available\\Limits the process to the Entity specified.
|Department|Mandatory, Multiple selection, and LOV available\\This field limits the report to specified departments.
|Authorization|Mandatory, Multiple selection, and LOV available\\This field limits the report to specified authorization levels.
|Location|Mandatory, Multiple selection, and LOV available\\This field limits the report to specified locations.
|Org Level Type|Mandatory, Multiple selection, and LOV available\\This field limits the report to specified organization level types.
|Org Level|Mandatory, Multiple selection, and LOV available\\This field limits the report to specified organizational levels.
|Unit|Mandatory, Multiple selection, and LOV available\\This field limits the report to specified units.
|Group|Mandatory, Multiple selection, and LOV available\\This field limits the report to specified groups.
|Payroll|Mandatory, Multiple selection, and LOV available\\This field limits the report to specified payrolls.
|Job|Mandatory, Multiple selection, and LOV available\\This field limits the report to specified jobs.
|Position|Mandatory, Multiple selection, and LOV available\\This field limits the report to specified positions.
|Employment Type|Mandatory, Multiple selection, and LOV available\\This field limits the report to specified employment types.
|Assignment Type|Mandatory, LOV available\\May limit processing of employees to their current type of assignment.
|Status|Mandatory, Multiple selection, and LOV available\\May limit the processing of employees to their employment status. 
|Plan Type|Mandatory, LOV available\\The benefit plan type to be processed for the employees selected.
|Plan|Mandatory, LOV available\\The benefit plan to be processed for the employees selected.
|Processing Stage|Mandatory, LOV available\\Users may select official or unofficial records.
|Enrollment Status|Mandatory, LOV available\\Users may select records that are marked as, ‘not enrolled’, ‘enrolled’, \\‘declined’ or ‘removed’
|BC Code|Mandatory, Multiple selection, and LOV available\\May limit the processing of employees to specific benefit components. 

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