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The Maintain US Tax Filing Info screen allows you to maintain United States tax filing information using a personnel action.

Maintain US Tax Filing Info data is stored in the [P2K_SA_PERSONNEL_ACTIONS], [P2K_PR_US_TAX_AREAS] and [P2K_PR_US_PAY_RULES] tables.

;[PA #|PA_NUMBER]:This field displays the PA which will maintain United States tax filing information.
;[Change Reason|CHANGE_CODE]:This field provides the reason for the data change.
;[Takes Effect|PA_EFFECTIVE_DATE]:The date the PA takes effect will be displayed in this field.
;[New Effect|NEW_EFFECTIVE]:This field displays the new date that the change is effective. 
;[Initiate PA|ACT_INITIATE_PA]:This button will allows you to initiate a Personnel Action for the employee in focus. 
;[Cancel PA|ACT_CANCEL_PA]:This button allows you to cancel the PA by pressing this button, once pressed the status will change to 'Cancelled'. 

;[State|STATE_PROVINCE_NAME]: This field allows the user to enter a State in which the employee either lives or works in. The field will show the name of the state. 
;[Jurisdiction|JURISDICTION_NAME]:This field allows the user to enter a Tax Jurisdiction. 
;[Description|DESCRIPTION]: The reason why these taxation rules are being maintained is shown in this field. (i.e. Default Tax rules). Users may wish to enter "Default W4", "Default" or similar description for the first blank jurisdiction record.

%%information This function is [date sensitive|DATE SENSITIVE] and changes made in these areas below the [date navigator|DATE SENSITIVE NAVIGATOR] may be split with a new effective date.%%
!!Federal tab
;[Filing Status|UFED_FILING_STATUS]:The Federal Filing Status indicates how the employee is filing.
;[Tax Method|US Tax Withholding Options (UFED_TAX_METHOD)|UFED_TAX_METHOD (US Tax Withholding Options)]: This field specifies the federal tax method for this employee.
;[Suppl. Tax Method|UFED_SUPPL_TAX_METHOD]:This field specifies the Federal supplemental tax method for this employee.
;[FICA Method|UFED_FICA_METHOD]: This field specifies the calculation method for FICA.
;[Medicare Method|UFED_MEDICARE_METHOD]: This field specifies the calculation method for the Medicare portion of the FICA.
;[FUTA Method|UFED_FUTA_METHOD]:This field specifies the calculation method for FUTA.
;[EIC Method|UFED_EIC_METHOD]: This field specifies the calculation method for employee Earned Income Credit.
;[Number of Exemptions|UFED_NUM_EXEMPTIONS]: This field specifies the number of exemptions the employee claims. 
;[Annual Exemption|UFED_ANN_EXEMPTION]: This field displays the annual exemption amount being claimed. 
;[Add’l $ or % Per Period|UFED_ADD_EXEMPTION]: This field specifies any additional exemption amount the employee claims. 
;:If Federal Tax Method = Annualized + %, then this field contains the percentage that will be apply to federal earnings and treats as additional tax. (e.g. 5%, enter as 5).
;:If Federal Tax Method = Annualized + Amount, then this field contains a per pay period additional tax amount.
;[Tax Amount|UFED_TAX_AMOUNT]:This field contains the flat tax amount that has been pre-calculated by you to be taken for the pay.
;:It will be used when Federal Tax Method = Flat Amount Method. 
;[Tax %|UFED_TAX_PERCENT]:This field contains the federal tax percentage applicable to this employee. 
;:If the percentage is greater than zero, it will be used whenever the FED-TAX-METHOD or FED-SUP-METHOD specifies to use %. Otherwise the percentage from GOVTREG file ([IDGV]) will be used. 
;[Tier1 & 2 RRTA Method|URR_TIER1_SOC_METHOD]:This field specifies the Tier 1 & 2 Social Security tax calculation methods for railway employees.
;[Tier1 MED Method|URR_TIER1_MED_METHOD]:This field specifies the Tier 1 Medicare tax calculation method for railway employees.
;[RUIA Method|URR_RUIA_METHOD]:This field specifies the Railroad Unemployment Insurance Act (RUIA) tax calculation method for railway employees.

!!State tab
;[Tax Method|UST_TAX_METHOD]:This field specifies the State tax method for the employee.
;[Suppl. Tax Method|UST_SUPPL_TAX_METHOD]:This field specifies the state supplemental tax method for the employee.
;[WC Method|UST_WCB_METHOD]:This field specifies the calculation method for Workers’ Compensation.
;[SUI Employee Method|UST_SUI_EE_METHOD]:This field specifies the employee’s calculation method for State Unemployment Insurance.
;[SUI Employer Method|UST_SUI_ER_METHOD]:This field specifies the employer’s calculation method for State Unemployment Insurance.
;[SDI Employee Method|UST_SDI_EE_METHOD]:This field specifies the employee’s calculation method for State Disability Insurance.
;[SDI Employer Method|UST_SDI_ER_METHOD]:This field specifies the employer’s calculation method for State Disability Insurance.
;[Add'l or % Per Period|UST_ADD_TAX_PER_PERIOD]:This field indicates the amount of additional tax to be taken each pay period.
;[Add’l Tax for Res.|UST_ADD_TAX_RES]:This field indicates whether the additional tax per period is for Residence State tax.
;[Add’l Tax for Work|UST_ADD_TAX_WORK]:This field indicates whether the additional tax per period is for Work State tax.
;[Tax Amount|UST_TAX_AMOUNT]:This field contains the flat tax amount that has been pre-calculated by you to be taken for the pay. This field will be used when State Tax Method = Flat Amount method.
;[Tax Percent|UST_TAX_PERCENT]:This field contains the state tax percentage applicable to this employee. 
;[Reciprocity Agreement|UST_RECIPROCATION]:This field indicates if the employee has filed a ‘Non-Residency Certificate’ with the employer and therefore the state tax is to be calculated by the certificate.

!!State Parameters(nn)
!Misc Tax Parameters

The Misc Tax Parameters must be provided for all States the employee lives and works in. 

;[Tax Parm|TAX_RATE_CODE]:Misc Tax Parameter is in the format of 'XXnnnn', where XX is the State code and nnnn is a sequential 4 digit number. The sequence is not pre-determined, it is simply the order in which the parameter was loaded in by [UPUTR]. The sequence is used to order the parameters and to distinguish them at the state level in [IPRLUS].
;[Misc. Identifier|TAX_IDENTIFIER]:The Miscellaneous Identifier is used to 'identify' the state's tax parameters used to provide additional information as supplied by the client or employee to calculate the taxes. These parameters often simulate information requested on the withholding certificate of the state. For example, FILINGSTATUS is a common Miscellaneous Tax Identifier. 
;[Description|DESCRIPTION]:The Description field is used to display the name of the Tax Identifier without abbreviations.
;[Type|FIELD_TYPE]:Field Type indicates if the value of the Tax Identifier/Parameter is to be a Char or Number. 
;[Dflt Value|FIELD_VARIABLE]:The client may provide a default value to a Tax Identifier/Parameter. The default value will be used by [UPCALC] unless the Employee provides a Value in [IPRLU] or [IPRLUS]. The Default Value must be a valid value as indicated in the [Reference Text|REFERENCE_TEXT]. 
;[Value|FIELD_VARIABLE]:The Value field allows the Employee to provide their choice for the Tax Parameter. The Value field holds the valid value as indicated in the [Reference Text|REFERENCE_TEXT]. For example, for Filing Status the value may be S for single or M for married. The Values may be different for each state.


!!Local tab
;[County Tax Method|ULOC_COUNTY_TAX_METHOD]:This field specifies the county tax method for the employee.
;[City Tax Method|ULOC_CITY_TAX_METHOD]:This field specifies the city tax method for the employee.
;[School Tax Method|ULOC_SCHOOL_TAX_METHOD]: This field specifies the school district tax method for the employee.
;[Head Tax Method|ULOC_HEAD_TAX_METHOD]:This field specifies whether head tax should be calculated for the employee.

;:[{InsertPage page='ACT_SUBMIT_PA'}]

;[Process PA|ACT_PROCESS_PA]:This is an action button which will update the employee's records with the changed detail of the PA. The status  of the PA will be updated to 'Completed'.

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