POSITIVE_DEDUCTION is an optional field used to indicate the method by which a deduction should be made from gross pay. 
* ‘All Or None’ ignores the deduction if there is insufficient gross. Typically used for items such as savings, bonds, charitable donations, United Way, credit union, etc.
* ‘As Much As Possible’ takes a partial deduction when there is insufficient gross. Typically used for items such as loan repayments, parking, union dues, etc. It is recommended that the Create Arrears toggle also be turned on with this setting, in order to generate an arrears transaction for any balance that could not be taken.
* 'Full With Advance' takes a full deduction and advances the employee any shortfall. Used for items such as insurance coverage. It is recommended that the Create Arrears toggle be turned on if an arrears transaction must be generated to recover the amount advanced to the employee on a subsequent pay. 
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