P 2 K_PU
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This utility package of functions is intended to be used to assist in Derivation Expression and script creation. These custom functions also can be used in report writing to obtain information otherwise not easily obtained by other means.

This package contains the following functions:

AAL_TODATEGiven an employment ID EEM_ID, a leave type ALPT_ID an Attendance code AC_CODE and a date range, captures total amount of processed leave lines for the specified range
ACCUM_ADDUsed for totaling values outside the realm of the UPPHF and UEEF totaling functionality
ACCUM_INITUsed for totaling values outside the realm of the UPPHF and UEEF totaling functionality
ACCUM_VALUEUsed for totaling values outside the realm of the UPPHF and UEEF totaling functionality
ALA_LASTGiven an employment ID EEM_ID, a leave type ALPT_ID an Attendance code AC_CODE and an as of date, capture the value of an AC_CODE from the last Accrual Record produced in the month.
ALARetrieves attendance information as seen on IALA
BBLRetrieves benefit line information from an employee's pay
BENRetrieves benefit plan and enrollment information for an employee, as seen on IBEN
CLOCKFormat time values
DES_TYPEProvides the EMPLOYMENT_TYPE for an Employment STATUS_CODE
EASD_DISTRetrieve distribution information for an assignment, as seen on IEAS
EASDRetrieve assignment detail information for an assignment, as seen on IEAS
ECTRetrieve Contact information
EIDRetrieve Identity information
EIN_CODEGet federal or state government registrations
ELEMENT_PCRetrieves a comma separated list of Pay Components in the element identified, as seen on IPEL
EPS Retrieve PERSONALS information
FILE_NAMEUsed to transform a file name parameter using replacement phrases
FIRST_MGRGet Identity ID for derived first manager
GCRetrieve column value from a table, given the table ID
GET_BBRCaptures Recipient ID BBR_ID for a contact, using a PLAN_CODE and an as of date
GET_CHILD_IDDetermines the ID of date-sensitive child record
GET_EASDDetermines the primary assignment EASD_ID for an employee, given a PERSON_CODE or GOVERNMENT_CODE
GET_EEMDetermines the EEM_ID for the first active employment for an employee, given a PERSON_CODE or GOVERNMENT_CODE or EXTERNAL_RETIREMENT_ID
GET_EIDDetermines the EID_ID for an employee, given either PERSON_CODE or GOVERNMENT_CODE or EXTERNAL_RETIREMENT_ID
GET_PPHCaptures Pay Header ID PPH_ID for an employee, given a PERSON_CODE, a pay number PAY_NUMBER and batch id PBT_ID
GET_PPPDetermines the ID of the pay period record for an employee
GET_PPRUGiven an employment ID EEM_ID, a state id DSP_ID and an as of date, capture US Pay Rule ID IPRLU
IS_DATEVerifies if the string contains a valid formatted date
IS_NUMERICVerifies if the string contains only numeric values
PPHRetrieve Pay Header information
PPRRetrieves payment rule information for an employee, as seen on IPPM
PSNRetrieve sundry line information, as seen on IPSN
SSRRetrieves Salary Range information, as seen on ISSR
TCCRetrieves CLOCK CARD information for an employee, as seen on ITTC
TOTAL_FTETotals the FTE across active assignments given an employment ID EEM_ID and an as of date
TRANSLATERetrieves any translations as defined on IMLA
VALBRetrieves attendance bank information (official and processed only) for an employee, as seen on VALB