The Oracle Data Dictionary contains information about data base objects, users and events.  You can access this information through these views of the data dictionary.  For details on how these views/tables are structured and how they are used, please refer to the Oracle Data Base Reference documentation.

There are many more tables and views, but these are the ones frequently used.

Access as P2K user.
||Table/View       ||Description
|[USER_ROLE_PRIVS]  |Roles granted to the user.
|[USER_TABLES] aka  |Description of the user's own tables.  (TABS is an alias)
|[USER_TAB_COLUMNS] |Columns of user's tables, views and clusters.  (COLS is an alias)
|[USER_TAB_PRIVS]   |Grants on objects for which the user is the owner, grantor or grantee
|[USER_VIEWS]       |Test of views owned by the user. 
|[USER_TRIGGERS]    |Descriptions of the user's triggers
|[USER_OBJECTS]     |Objects owned by the user (OBJis an alias)
|[USER_INDEXES]     |Description of the user's own indexes (IND is an alias)
|[USER_IND_COLUMNS] |Columns of the user's indexes or on user's tables
|[USER_SEQUENCES]   |Description of the user's own sequences (SEQ is an alias)
|[USER_SOURCE]      | The text source of the stored objects 

Access as SYSTEM or SYS