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In order to use the Benefit Open Enrollment facility there are numerous set up requirements that must be fulfilled. There are many options available to allow for the various benefit requirements and to allow clients to tailor the screens and data to their liking.

Step 1: IBPT – Define Benefit Plan Types #

The following fields in IBPT are used for Open Enrollment purposes.
Plan Type
This field holds the defined plan type code that uniquely identify the plan type. If the BSS module is being used the Plan Type will be displayed in the WEBOEE form. Plan_Type_Code is a mandatory 16-character alphanumeric field.
The Calculation Sequence field determines the order in which this plan type will be processed by payroll. This sequence is also used by the BSS module to determine the order the plan types are displayed to the employee in the election form (WEBOEE). If a sequence is not defined, the plan types will display in alphabetical order. Calculation_Sequence is a 5-digit numeric field provided by High Line but may be user altered.
Recipient Type
This can be used to define a recipient type if all of the plans linked to the plan type allow the same type of recipient to be enrolled. If an employee is only allowed to elect themselves in the plan, ‘Not Applicable’ should be used. If the plans allow for different participant types a recipient type can be defined at the coverage level. This field is used by the BSS module only. Recipient_Type is a fixed lexicon (X_PLAN_RECIPIENT_TYPE)
Plan Type URL
A URL can be defined to provide the employees with a link in to external documentation that may provide additional information on each plan within the plan type, or to a carrier’s website. This will be displayed on the SS election form WEBOEE beneath the Election Intro ext.
This is a description of the benefit plan type. Description is an optional 50-character alphanumeric field provided by High Line.
Election Intro Text
This field is used to include introductory text to the plans in the WEBOEE form. This can be used to provide additional instructions to employees. Basic HTML tags can be used to tailor the look of the text.

Step 2: IMLN- Maintain Lexicons#

A common requirement of benefit elections is that an employee is eligible to a set of plans that are offered from different carriers and are mutually exclusive of one another (the employee is only allowed to elect one plan out the set). We are now able to handle this requirement by grouping these plans into a “Plan Election Set”. A plan set code is used to group these plans together. The plan set code is user defined in a lexicon called X_PLAN_ELECTION_SET in IMLN. The plan set code should be reflective of the type of plans included in the set. The plan set code is then added to IBPN to each of the plans to be included in the set.

Before employees can submit their elections, they are prompted for a decline reason for the elections they declined. This decline reason is based on the lexicon X_BE_DECLINE_REASON. This is a user defined lexicon which clients must populate with suitable decline reasons.

Step 3: IMST – Define Client Site Information #

By default decline reasons are required; however, if it is a client’s policy not to require reasons for declines, the site preference BSS D REASON REQ must be defined in IMST with a value of N.

Step 4: IPPGU / IPPGC – Define US/CDN Pay Categories #

In order to determine which pay frequency detail record to use to calculate the EE and ER period/monthly/annual calculations, a new pay category is required with the pay category type ”Open Enrollment”. This category will not be used by any payroll calculations.

Step 5: IPPF – Define Processing Frequencies#

The new pay category must be added to all of the pay frequencies that are used by the benefit plans associated to the Events for Open Enrollment. The Times Per Year field for this category must be populated with the number of times per year that the benefit plan is to be processed by payroll. This number will be used in conjunction with the rate basis for the category in the EE and ER calculations.

Step 6: IBPN – Define Benefit Plans/Coverages#

There are certain fields in IBPN that should be defined to accommodate the Open Enrollment process. These fields are listed below:

Step 7: IBSC – Define Benefit Schedule#

If new plans have been defined, ensure they have been added to the benefit schedule.

New to the IBSC are the Waiting Period (Days) and Minimum Hrs/Week fields. Any data supplied here will override what has been defined for the coverage.

Step 8: IDGR – Define Groups#

Clients can determine which set of employees are eligible for Open Enrollment by checking ON the toggle Enable OE Elections in IDGR. Only employees tied to a group with this ON will be able to process Open Enrollments.

Step 9: IBET – Define Benefit Event Types#

Open Enrollment is triggered by events whether those are life, work, mass open enrollment or ad hoc events.

Clients are required to define event types that will suit their needs, this is done in the IBET form. Common event types are Mass Open Enrollment, Birth of Child, Marriage, Adoption, Divorce, New Hire, Termination etc..

Tied to each event type are the benefit plans that employees will be eligible to elect into or make changes to.

Step 10: IMFD – Maintain Form Definitions #

In order for the employees’ election choices to be automatically saved when entered in WEBOEE the Auto Commit preference must be added to the WEBOEE screen. The value for the preference must be Y.

Headers and Footers can be used to tailor the WEBOEE screen. If headers and/or footers are to be used, the preferences Header and/or Footer should be added to the screens in IMFD.

If birth certificate, marriage license or health questionnaire do not meet your business needs, the form item name prompts for these documents may be translated to something else. These media are used in WEBOEE, IBPOE and in VBOEE.

Additional media may be added to the WEBOEE form if documents other than birth certificate, marriage license, or health questionnaire are required. Media codes must first be defined in IMEC for P2K_HR_IDENTITIES. These new media codes would need to be added to the form definition for WEBOEE, IBPOE and VBOEE. The three existing media codes in WEBOEE can be used as an example.

Step 11: IMRO – Define Roles #

In order for employees to make use of Open Enrollment execution rights for the Open Enrollment, forms and reports must be given to the appropriate execution type roles.

Since there are two My Benefit Elections forms, WEBEL and WEBOEE, ensure that execution rights are granted to only one of the forms. To make use of Open Enrollment, employees must have access to WEBOEE. Access to the following new forms and reports should be granted to the appropriate users: IBET, IBOE, IBPOE, VBOEE, IBEV, RBET, RBOE, UBOE, UBPOE.