The following table shows what activities can take place in each stage by each of the roles:

||Employee Open Enroll Stage||Election Decision||EE Actions ||BEN Actions\\Open Enrollment||BEN Actions \\Election Options||APR Actions
|Open|	To Be Decided, Newly Elected, Elected With Changes, Elected No Change, Declined|Leave and Return, Make Decisions, Submit For Approval|Submit OE, Validate, Cancel OE, Close OE ([IBOE]) |Make Corrections, Decline Elections, Cancel Elections |View Only  
|Suspended|To Be Decided, Newly Elected, Elected With Changes, Elected No Change, Declined|View Only|Re-Open OE, Cancel OE, Close OE ([IBOE])|View Only|View Only
|Submitted|Newly Elected, Elected With Changes, Elected No Change, Declined|View Only|Re-Open OE, Make corrections, Validate, Approve and Route, Approve (final), Do Not Approve, Cancel OE, Close OE ([IBOE]) |Make Corrections, Decline Elections, Cancel Elections|Re-Open OE, Make Corrections, Approve and Route, Approve (final), Do not approve
|Approved|Newly Elected, Elected With Changes, Elected No Change, Declined|View Only|Re-Open OE, Process OE, Cancel OE, Close OE ([IBOE])|View Only|View Only 
|Not Approved|Newly Elected, Elected With Changes, Elected No Change, Declined|View Only|Re-Open OE, Close OE ([IBOE])|View Only|View Only 
|Cancelled|Newly Elected, Elected With Changes, Elected No Change, Declined|View Only|Re-Open OE, Close OE ([IBOE])|View Only|View Only

[{InsertPage page='Internal.OE+ACTIVITIES+BY+STAGE+BY+ROLE' default='Click to create a new notes page'}]