*The identification of missing punches for scheduled time has two components:  
## In/Out prediction 
## Missing punch [time code|TIME_CODE]
!In/Out prediction is based on the following information:
*Set up in [IDWR] (Details Tab)
##Track work punches toggle is ON
  -  We predict that will have an IN punch at the beginning of the shift and an OUT punch at the end of the 	 	   shift
##Track meal punches toggle is ON
  -  We predict that will have an OUT punch before meal and an IN punch after the meal;
  -  This is usually set up in cases where meal time is unpaid, and an employee needs to punch out/in   	     	    for lunch
*Gap in time between work times
#We predict an IN punch after each gap in time;
#By default the system considers a new shift if the gap between work times is more then 2 hours;
#If this gap in time needs to be overridden, please use [MAX BREAK TIME] rule.

  If business need requires uneven clock punches, the prediction will not help to identify missing punches. In this situation we recommend to set up the [MISSSED PUNCH] time rule as a second indicator for possible missing punches

* Below are the expected results when we track meal time. 

[{Image src='Track Meal Punch.jpg' width='600' align='center' link='attach/Track Meal Punch/Track Meal Punch.jpg'}]