!!Processing Information
The LMDATA process, formally known as LMFN, is used to load a binary file into the second database. Typically this file is created by the extract 'X' functions. 

;Step 1 - Create file 
;:To create the binary file, run one of the 'X' extract functions i.e.: [XALP]

;Step 2 - Define EXTRCT DATA FLDR and LOAD DATA FLDR preferences
;:Within the [IMST] screen, the administrator must define where the Extract and Load files are located and where the load functions are to write the exception files to. These locations are used by the functions to create and retrieve information. The customer can modify these values to represent any directory on their system.

;:The extract directory is defined using the EXTRCT DATA FLDR preference. The load directory is defined using the LOAD DATA FLDR preference. The ATTACHMENTS FLDR must be specified so the load functions know where to write the report exceptions log to.

;:If the full path is not specified here then the path used by the Application Resource folder will apply. The user who is running the LMDATA must have Read/Write/Create access to this directory on the server.

;Step 3 - Run LMDATA to load the data
;:Enter the name of the binary file created (xxxx.data file) in the Exported Data File parameter and press Launch. The LMDATA will review the preferences defined in Step 2 to locate the file and will then load the information from the file into the appropriate tables.

;Step 4 - Review loaded data
;:Once the LMDATA has been run, you should review the appropriate forms to make sure the data was loaded correctly. The report should be reviewed to ensure there were no skipped records or errors noted. 
!!Report Parameters

||Report Parameters||
|Exported Data File| Mandatory \\The file name of the exported binary file  created by one of the X functions. \\The system will only load from the .data file, it will error if the user tries to \\load from the .xml file. \\Ex: Extract_Vaction_Policy_20090102.data
|Remove Obsolete|Optional, LOV Available\\ The Remove Obsolete parameter if Yes is selected, will remove any object \\that has been marked as obsolete for the table that is being uploaded to.\\ For example when uploading changes to a function if a form item for that\\ function in the second database was marked as obsolete, these will now\\ be removed
|User Comment|Optional\\ Allows you to enter a comment on the report printout.