!!LIKE - Is Like 

The Is Like (Like) operator checks to see if the value in Operand 1 is the same as the value in Operand 2. 
(Operand 2 must be a masked string using acceptable Oracle search criteria).

;Statement:If the employee is in any sales department, give a bonus of $500.00 (stored in PC 5000).

||Line||CMD||OT||Operand 1||OPER||OT||Operand2||OT||Operand3||If Goto||	Else GoTo
|00010	|IF|DB|	DDP.DEPARTMENT_CODE|LIKE|A|SALES%|  |  |00100|	99999
|00100|	LET|	PC|	5000|	EQ|	N|	500|  |  |99999	|
|99999|	EXIT|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |99999	|

In the example shown above, if the employee’s department began with the string ‘SALES’, the UserCalc would go to line 100 to give the bonus. Acceptable department codes would be ‘SALES-001’ or ’SALESHeadOffice’ but not ‘GroupSALES’.

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