!!Processing Information
The Load Employee Verifications LEVS is used by American clients to verify current and former employee names and SSNs against SSA records. Concisely, clients create a flat file with the employee data which is sent to SSA to verify. SSA will send back the verified file indicating if the records match their records. The file is loaded back into the system to update it with SSA's results.

;Step 1 - Update [IDIF]
The interface format required by LEVS is provided. The Interface format used is called EVSREQ2K and it is required that you set the Requestor Identification Code field to the correct value for your organization. This is on record 30, field 12, in the Constant value field (currently set to @@@@).

;Step 2 - Create User Field
The user field, [EVS Result|EVS_RESULT (UDF)], must be created in [IMUF] for [P2K_HR_IDENTITIES] in order for the LEVS process to function correctly. The setup for the UDF is as follows:
;:[Prompt|FIELD_PROMPT]:EVS Result
;:[User Field Usage|USER_FIELD_USAGE]:User Defined

Once LEVS has been run, this field will be updated with SSA's results.

;Step 3 - Run [UEEF] to Extract Employee Data
The [UEEF] will extract the necessary information to send to SSA. For the sake of running [UEEF] for LEVS, the [UEEF] Interface Code parameter must be EVSREQ2K. The Interface Level parameter should be EEM + EASD.

;STEP 4 - Send File To SSA To Verify
Now that the employee data has been extracted to a flat file, the file should be sent to SSA. Please review SSA's website for further information on how to submit the file.

Once SSA has verified the data in the file they will send this back to the client. The file will now include the following information:
;:Column 98:
;:Blank means the record agrees with SSA's data file. For diskettes, only the SSNs that do not match will be returned to you.
;:1= SSN not in file (never issued to anyone).
;:2= Name and DOB match; gender code does not.
;:3= Name and gender code match; DOB does not.
;:4= Name matches, DOB and gender code do not.
;:5= Name does not match; DOB and gender code not checked.
;:* = Input SSN did not verify. Social Security located and verified a different SSN shown in positions 112-120.
;:Column 121:
;:Y = SSA records indicate that the number holder is deceased.
;:N = SSA records indicate that the number holder is not deceased.

;Step 5 - Load File From SSA
You would now run the LEVS function to load the returned file from SSA. The '[EVS Result|EVS_RESULT (UDF)]' UDF in [IEID] will now be updated accordingly.

!!Report Parameters

||Report Parameters||
|File Name| The field is name of the file from SSA that has been placed on the \\server in the directory specified in the [IMST] record LOAD DATA FLDR. \\Mandatory
|Interface Code| [HL$EVS_INBOUND]
|Allow Update| The lexicon values for this field are YES or NO. You should specify \\YES since the [EVS Result|EVS_RESULT (UDF)] UDF needs to be updated.
|Allow Insert| The lexicon values for this field are YES or NO. You should specify \\YES since the [EVS Result|EVS_RESULT (UDF)]UDF needs to be updated.
|Exception Level| The lexicon values for this field are 0 to 9. This field allows you to \\specify the level of trace you wish to see in the report.