NJT Rail Employees (T & E) will work in multiple jobs. These jobs will be included in the transaction load from NJT’s Time Clock system (hour’s transactions) as an override job code. The rate for the Job worked is based on the Scale for the Job, plus the employee’s service time (Usually Months), to determine the Step for the Job’s Scale. Months of service are calculated based on the Assignment Wage Progression Date Wage Progress Date.

This override calculation of a wage rate will occur when transactions are loaded via the transaction load (LMTD/UPTL) feature, or when transactions are keyed on the transaction forms (IPTR/IPPH). These transactions will be ‘hours’ transactions, i.e. Employee 100, 8 Reg Hours, Job A, 10-OCT-2009. The function to select the appropriate wage scale will be triggered when the pay line is generated in IPPH.


- Stepping Rules must be set up to use as the option Wage Progression Date in the Step Base Date field.
- The Assignment Wage Progress Date field must have a date entered.
- Pay Component set up for the Job Override Custom Function is implemented in the Time pay components and only where earnings are calculated based on entered time.
The Custom Rate Logic option (NJT) Job Override is selected in the PC DETAIL RULES tab for the Earnings PC only.
Although a calculation method is not required as the custom rate function performs this calculation, best practice is to select a Rate Source in the event there is problem with the stepping rules for an entered job.

All Jobs that will be processed by this custom function must have Wage Scale/Steps with Stepping Rules that use the Wage Progression Date as the Step Base Date.
A detailed Audit Text is available after the pay line is generated and the custom function has determined the wage rate. This is made available in the Audit Text or Audit Info fields in the PAY LINES, LINE INFO (Audit Text) and LINE DETAILS (Audit Info) tabs.
An example of an audit text from the Audit Info field is:
  • Audit text
Use "Edit Field" to View Computed Value
Assignment: PRIMARY $24.47/HR
Invoked [P2K_SPWAGE_NJT] Wage is ==> $24.4700
NJT Custom Wage Rate Version 10-Jun-2011
PPL Job Code: 215I
Assignment Code: PRIMARY
Assignment Job Code: 215I
Assignment Position Code: 04209002923
Incumbent Employee ==> 01
On Hold: N
Wage Progression_date: 06-FEB-1984
Incumnent Job Scale Code Used: 215I-I
Job Scale: 215I-I
Wage Step Rule: RAIL-003
348 Absolute Months between 06-FEB-1984 and 26-FEB-2013
215I-I Step: CONTRACT $24.47/HR Interval: 999 Months
215I-I Step: STEP 1 $19.58/HR Interval: 12 Months
215I-I Step: STEP 2 $22.02/HR Interval: 24 Months
<<<<<< Hourly Rate for 215I set at Step CONTRACT Rate $24.47 >>>>>>
Custom Wage: $24.47


Associated with the job override function are Two User Defined fields that have been added to the Assignment Details. These options can determine which override jobs will trigger this function:

Rail Incumbent
Some Wage Scale/Steps have an Incumbent equivalent set up with a different wage rate but sharing the same Scale Step code except for a trailing ‘-I’ (An example is 212G-I, where 212G is the regular wage scale attached to the Job/Position and 212G-I is a stand-alone wage scale that can be referenced by the custom job override function). The trailing –I identifies to the custom function that this is an Incumbent Wage Scale.

The Rail Incumbent field contains the following lexicon (X_NJT_INCUMBENT).
There are three options in this lexicon for determining the source of the wage rate that is read by the job override process (The text in parentheses refers to the Lexicon Options):
  • Employees who are not flagged as incumbent (Field is blank) – Use the default wage scale from the inbound job
  • Employees who are incumbent and get this rate for all jobs - Use the incumbent rate for all override jobs (Any Job)
  • Employees who get the incumbent rate only for their assignment job - Use the incumbent rate only on an inbound job that is the same as the employee’s assignment job (Assignment Job Only).

Rail On Hold
This field has a Yes/No lexicon. Yes indicates that the employee is ‘On Hold.’
Employees flagged as on-hold – Use the employee’s assignment wage rate if the inbound job is the same as the assignment job, otherwise the wage rate is determined using the above rules.


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