With D52050 regenerates MISC too, need also P2K_PPUPRLU

Developer(EC) notes about what was done under D52050(if something is not clear, please see also solutions text )

Any non PA forms that contains P2K_PR_US_PAY_RULES and a records is inserted or update a stored procedure will be call to generate P2K_PR_US_PAY_RULE_MISCS on save

Java logic calls store procedure P2K_PPUPRLU.process_ee_misc ( developed based on P2K_PPUPRLU.process_misc logic adapted for I/U of PPRU)

For PA MW did some changes to call this procedure too.If something is not clear on PA screens please contact MW.

Logic was added to P2K_CF_PAY_RULE function to call the same procedure P2K_PPUPRLU.process_ee_misc (see P2K_PEGEN), and as far as I understand this is used on WF for new hires.

P2K_PEGEN has two new procedures(GeneratePayRuleMisc,ScheduleGeneratePayRuleMiscJob) were added that in the end call P2K_PPUPRLU.process_ee_misc too