A Work Station is a place within a work area that is filled by a person or a team of people, such as a patrol, truck or office.

;[Work Station|WORK_STATION_CODE]:This field identifies the work station, a subdivision within a work area. Workstation codes must be unique within a work area. Work_Station_Code is a 16-character alphanumeric field you must manually enter.
;[Work Area|WORK_AREA_CODE]: This field identifies the work area that the work station is a part of. Work_Area_Code from [P2K_TS_WORK_AREAS] is a mandatory field you fill through the LOV.
;[Standing|STANDING]: This field is used to indicate whether the record is `active', `frozen' or `obsolete'. `Active' will default. Standing is an optional field which you may fill from the fixed lexicon [X_STANDING]
;[Work Division|WORK_DIVISION_CODE]: This field identifies the work division that the work station is a part of. You cannot edit the field from this screen. This information will default once the work area has been selected.
;[Entity|ENTITY_CODE]: This field identifies the entity that the work station is a part of. You cannot edit the field from this screen. This information will default once the work division has been selected.

!!Details tab
Work Stations details are date sensitive.

;[Description|DESCRIPTION]:This field provides a short description of the work station. Description is a 50-character alphanumeric optional field you may manually enter.
;[Work Station Status|WORK_STATION_STATUS]: Status is used to indicate whether a work station is active at a SPECIFIC point in time, which is different from the standing. For example, while a lifeguard station may have ongoing active standing (not obsolete or frozen), the station may only be active 9 months of the year. For remaining three months of the year, the area's status is non-active. Work_Station_Status is an optional field which you may fill from the fixed lexicon [X_WORK_STATION_STATUS].
;[Work Station Type|WORK_STATION_TYPE]:The Work Station Type field allows you to put work stations into specific catagories. e.g., Truck, Office, Room. Work_Station_Type is an optional field which you may fill from the user-defined lexicon [X_WORK_STATION_TYPE]
;[Distribution Mask|DISTRIBUTION_MASK]: This field holds part or all of the distribution code receiving the portion of the costs. Distribution_Mask is a 50-character alphanumeric optional field you may manually enter
;[Max Autofill Days|MAX_AUTOFILL_DAYS]: This field indicates the maximum number of days that a worker can be scheduled in one week.
;[Min Autofill Days|MIN_AUTOFILL_DAYS]: This field indicates the minimum number of days that a worker can be scheduled in one week in one Station Post.
;[Premium|PREMIUM_CODE]: This field provides the premiums associated with the work station. A premium is an amount of money earned by an employee that is in addition to their regular wage, for performing a specific duty or working under a special situation such as shift differential, bilingual bonus, hazard pay, etc. Premiums may be calculated by various methods and may be given as a lump sum on a certain frequency or prorated by time work. Multiple premiums can be defined for each workstation. Premium_Code from  [P2K_SA_PREMIUMS] is a 10-character alphanumeric mandatory field you must either manually enter or select a value from the LOV(F9) provided
;[Rate|PREMIUM_RATE]:Rate is the standard rate used for this premium. You cannot edit the Standard Rate field from this screen. This information will default once the premium has been selected.
;[Rate Basis|RATE_BASIS]:The rate basis is the unit of measure the associated rate is being stored or displayed in; for example: hourly, weekly, biweekly, semi-monthly, monthly, or annual. Rate_Basis is a fixed lexicon [X_RATE_BASIS]
;[O/R Rate|PREMIUM_RATE]: If entered, the override rate will be used instead of the premium rate. Premium_Rate is an optional field you may populate.
;[O/R Basis|RATE_BASIS]: If entered, the override basis will be used in place of the basis that has defaulted from the premium. Rate_Basis is a fixed lexicon [X_RATE_BASIS]
!!Station Posts tab
Station Posts identify the jobs that must be performed within the work station, ranked by seniority
;[Rank|??]: This field indicates the order in which the replacement job being defined will fill the position. If a job is ranked as `1' it will be chosen as the first to fill this position, etc. Replacement_Rank is a 5-character numeric mandatory field you must manually enter.
;[Job/Unit|??]: This field displays the job and unit associated with this station post. Job_Unit from P2K_CM_JOBS is a 10-character alphanumeric mandatory field you must either manually enter or select a value from the LOV(F9) provided.
;[Department|??]:The department that the station post is a part of will be identified in this field. Department from [P2K_CM_DEPARTMENTS] is a 10-character alphanumeric mandatory field you must either manually enter or select a value from the LOV(F9) provided.
;[Must Be Present|??] / [Must Be Scheduled|??]: Both the `Must Be Present' and `Must Be Scheduled' toggles are future features. However, at the present time, if either toggle is ON, the system will automatically pair station posts with work teams to screen team posts.
;[Description|??]: This field provides a short description of the station post. Description is a 50-character alphanumeric optional field you may manually enter.
;[Job Title|??]: This field will display the title of the replacement job. You cannot edit the field from this screen. This information will default once the Job/Unit field has been selected.
;[Replacement Rule|/?]: If the job in the station post is vacant and must be replaced, the replacement rule is designed to give you detailed information regarding how to make the replacement. Replacement_Rule is a mandatory field which you must fill from the fixed lexicon [X_REPLACEMENT_RULE].
;[Required WSE|??]: `Required Work Shift Equivalent (WSE)' is the measure of work to be done in a station post in one shift. WSE allows control of the number of full time employees required on any workstation for any shift. If the post requires a full-time person the WSE will be 1. If the post requires a person only half time, the WSE will be .5 Required_WSE is a 9-character numeric optional field you may manually enter.
;[On Teams|??]: The `On Team' field is a view only field representing the number of teams for this station post. Post to all Work Teams button. The 'Post to all Work Teams' button adds this particular work station to all work teams.
;[Clear Scheduled Employees button|??]: The `Clear Schedule Employees' button allows you to clear any employees currently scheduled for this work station.
!!Work Teams tab