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A record of [recruiters|RECRUITER PROFILES] may be created and maintained on the Define Recruiters (IRRE) form.
The definition data for the Define Recruiters screen is stored in the [P2K_RE_RECRUITERS], [P2K_RE_RECRUITING_COSTS] tables.

;[Recruiter|RECRUITER_CODE]:This field displays a user-defined code that uniquely identifies the recruiter. 
;[Status|RECRUITER_STATUS]:This field will display the status of the recruiter. 
;[Type|RECRUITER_TYPE]:This field will allow you to indicate the nature of the recruiter. 
;[Category|RECRUITER_CATEGORY]:This field will allow you to further classify recruiters into specific groups. 
;[Description|DESCRIPTION]:This field allows you to provide a short description about the recruiter. 
;[Company|COMPANY_NAME]:If the recruiter is external, this field allows you to identify the recruiting company name. 
;[Contact|CONTACT_NAME]:If the recruiter is external, this field provides a contact name for the recruiting company.
;[Title|CONTACT_TITLE]:This field displays the contact’s tile for outside recruiters. 
;Employee:If the recruiter is internal, the employee who will be recruiting will be identified (by assignment) in this field. Employee from [IEAS] ([P2K_HR_ASSIGNMENTS]) is a mandatory field you must fill through the LOV (F9).
;[Position|POSITION_CODE]: This field will display the position code of the recruiter, if they are an internal recruiter. 
!!Address tab
;[Address 1|ADDRESS_LINE_1]:This field provides the address of the recruiter. 
;[Address 2|ADDRESS_LINE_2]:This field displays further address information for the recruiter. 
;[City|LOCALITY]:This field identifies the locality of the recruiter.
;[State/Province|P2K_CM_STATE_PROVINCES]:This field holds the state or province of the recruiter. State_Province from [IDSP] ([P2K_CM_STATE_PROVINCES]) is an optional field you may fill through the LOV (F9).
;[Zip/Postal|ZIP_POSTAL]:This field shows the zip or postal code for the recruiter. 
;[Phone #|PHONE_NUMBER]:This field provides the phone number for the recruiter. 
;[Phone Extension|PHONE_EXTENSION]:This field provides an extension number for the recruiter. 
;[Alt Phone #|ALT_PHONE_NUMBER]:This field provides an alternative phone number for the recruiter. 
;[Alt Phone Extn.|ALT_PHONE_EXTENSION]:This field provides an alternative extension for the recruiter.
;[Fax #|FAX_NUMBER]:This field provides a fax number for the recruiter. 
;[Email Address|EMAIL_ADDRESS(Field)]:This field provides an email address for the recruiter. 
;[Web Address|WEB_ADDRESS]:This field provides a web address for the recruiter. 
;[Recruiter Text|RECRUITER_TEXT]:This field allows you to provide additional information about the recruiter. 
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!!Costs tab
The definition data for the Costs tab is stored in the [P2K_RE_RECRUITING_COSTS] table.

;[Cost Date|COST_DATE]:This field provides the date the cost was incurred. 
;[Cost Item Category|COST_ITEM_CATEGORY]:This field allows users to classify the cost items into specific groups. 
;[Description|DESCRIPTION]:This field provides a short description of the cost item. 
;[Cost Amount|COST_AMOUNT]:This field will display the actual monetary amount of the cost item. 
;[Currency|CURRENCY]:This field will display the currency that the above amount is expressed in. 
;[Employer %|EMPLOYER_PERCENT]:This field will indicate the percentage of the cost that will be covered by the employer. 
;[Payment Status|PAYMENT_STATUS]:This field will show the status of the payment for this cost item. 
;[Payment Method|PAYMENT_METHOD]:This field will show the manner in which this item was paid for.
;[Cost Reference|COST_REFERENCE]:This field allows you to provide a reference, e.g. invoice number, for the cost item. 
;[Candidate|CANDIDATE_CODE]:If a specific candidate is associated with this cost item, they may be identified in this field. 
;[Posting|POSTING_CODE]:If this cost is associated with a specific [posting|JOB POSTINGS], that posting may be identified in this field. 
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!!Postings tab
%%information The information for this tab will be automatically filled by the system. The values in these fields CANNOT be changed.%%

In order to add a posting to the recruiter’s record, you must associate the recruiter to the [posting|JOB POSTINGS] through the Maintain Postings ([IRPO]) screen. Once the [IRPO] screen is saved, the posting will appear in the Postings tab of IRRE.
;[Start Date|START_DATE]:This field indicates the date the posting was opened with the recruiter.
;[Posting #|POSTING_CODE]:This field identifies the posting.
;[Status|RECRUITER_USAGE_STATUS]:This field displays the status of the posting.
;[Description|DESCRIPTION]:This field provides a short description of the recruiter.
;[End Date|END_DATE]:This field indicates the date the posting was closed with the recruiter
;[External Entity ID|EXTERNAL_ENTITY_ID]:If the external recruiter has created an identification code for the entity, that code will be displayed in this field.
;[External Posting ID|EXTERNAL_POSTING_ID]:If the external recruiter has created an identification code for the [posting|JOB POSTINGS], that code will be displayed in this field.
;[Posting Title|POSTING_TITLE]:This field gives a descriptive title for the posting.
;[Posting Status|POSTING_STATUS]:This field displays the status of the posting.
;[Posting Source|POSTING_SOURCE]:This field provides a reason for the posting.
;[Posting Type|POSTING_TYPE]:This field defines the nature of the posting.
;[Posting Category|POSTING_CATEGORY]:This field classifies the posting into a specific group.
;[Posting Priority|POSTING_PRIORITY]:The priority of the posting will be shown in this field.

!!Job Profiles tab

%%information The information for this tab will be automatically filled by the system. The values in these fields CANNOT be changed.%% \\

In order to add a job profile to the recruiter’s record, you must associate the recruiter to the [job profile|JOB PROFILES] through the Maintain Job Profile ([IRJP]) screen. Once the [IRJP] screen is saved, the [posting|JOB POSTINGS] will appear in the Job Profile tab of IRRE.
;[Start Date|START_DATE]:If the [job profile|JOB PROFILES] is temporary and date sensitive, this field will show the first date the job profile is active.
;[End Date|END_DATE]:If the job profile is temporary and date sensitive, this field will show the last date that the [job profile|JOB PROFILES] is active.
;[Job Profile|JOB_PROFILE_CODE]:This field holds the code that identifies a job profile within a company.
;[Seq.|RECRUITER_USAGE_SEQUENCE]: The field will define the sequential order in which the recruiters will be employed. 
;[Job Title|JOB_PROFILE_TITLE]:This field displays the specific title of the job profile.
;[Job Type|JOB_PROFILE_TYPE]:This field displays the nature of the job profile.
;[Status|RECRUITER_USAGE_STATUS]:This field displays the status of the job profile.
;[Category|JOB_CATEGORY]:This field further categorizes the job profile.
;Placed By:This field identifies, by assignment code, the employee who placed the posting with the recruiter.
;[External Posting ID|EXTERNAL_POSTING_ID]:If the external recruiter has created an identification code for the [posting|JOB POSTINGS] associated with this job profile, that code will be displayed in this field.
;[Description|JOB_PURPOSE_TEXT]:This field provides a short description of the job profile.

!!Referrals tab
%%information This is a view only tab. If a Candidate is tied to the Recruiter in focus via the Recruiter field in the Details tab of IRCA, the candidate's details will display in this Referrals tab.%%
;[Submitted|DATE_SUBMITTED]:This field reflects the date the referral was submitted.
;[Candidate #|CANDIDATE_CODE]:This field identifies the candidate for whom this referral was given.
;[Name]:This field shows the full name of the candidate.
;[Candidate Status|CANDIDATE_STATUS]:This field displays the status of the candidate.
;[Candidate Type|CANDIDATE_TYPE]:This field indicates whether the candidate is an external or internal applicant.
;[Candidate Category|CANDIDATE_CATEGORY]:This field further classifies the candidates into specific groups.
;[Candidate Source|CANDIDATE_SOURCE]:This field indicates the venue through which the candidate was recruited.
;[External Candidate ID|EXTERNAL_CANDIDATE_ID]:This field shows the candidate’s id supplied by an external recruiter.
;[Candidate Text|CANDIDATE_TEXT]:This field holds additional information about the referral for this candidate.

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