Payment Rules are a date sensitive means of indicating the method(s) by which an employee elects to receive their pay. This may include payment by only one check, and/or an unlimited number of direct deposits.

[UPCALC] will use the pay period issue date to select the correct date effective payment method for an employee.

An individual employee should have a payment method set up. If, however, one is missed, when the first pay for an employee is calculated, if a payment split is not recorded then [UPCALC] will create a payment split record of '100% by Check'. It will also issue an exception message reflecting this decision.

If the employee has chosen to be paid by direct deposit, a bank name, transit and account number must be provided; otherwise the employee will be paid by check.

The payment rule details contain a record for each check or direct deposit to which the employee requires their pay to be split.
Whenever an employee requires their pay to be deposited to more than one account, High Line recommends that 'Pay Remaining' be used on one of these accounts. For example, an employee normally receives $1000 net pay, and elects to deposit $800 to a
checking account and $200 to a savings account. The recommendation is to set up 'Pay Remaining' balance to the checking account. Then, when the employee's net pay goes up to $1100 (e.g. pay increase, overtime, bonus etc.), $900 will go to the checking
account and $200 to the savings account. Otherwise, if the two deposits are set up for flat amounts of $800 and $200 respectively, the employee will receive the same two deposits, plus a check for the extra $100 net pay.

The Maintain Payment Method (IPPM) screen allows the employee to indicate that a percentage of their net pay or a flat amount to be paid by a specific method.

__‘Maintain Payment Method’ Usage and Examples__

Payment Method data is stored in the [P2K_PR_PAYMENT_RULES], [P2K_PR_PAYMENT_RULE_DETAILS] and [P2K_PR_NET_PAY_SPLITS] tables.
;[Seq.|SPLIT_SEQUENCE]: This field shows the sequence number controlling the order in which this payment rule detail will be processed. You should number the sequences in increments of ten. This will allow subsequent splits to be easily re-numbered. Split_Sequence is an optional 5 digit numeric field that you may manually enter.
;[Method|PAYMENT_RULE_TYPE]: This field indicates whether the payment will be made by check or deposit. Payment_Method is an optional fixed lexicon ([X_PAYMENT_RULE_TYPE]) that you may use to choose the method of payment.
;[Amount|AMOUNT]:Amount of pay to be sent to this check or deposit account. This is not required when net pay percent or pay remaining is being used. Amount is an optional 18 digit numeric field that you may manually enter.
;[Percentage|NET_PAY_PERCENT]: Percentage of the net pay to be sent to this check or deposit account. Not required when pay amount or pay remaining option is selected. Net_Pay_Percent is an optional 5 digit numeric field that you may manually enter.
;[Pay Remaining|PAY_REMAINING]:Only ONE of the employee’s choices may be marked at one time as ‘Pay Remaining’. If more than one choice is selected, [UPCALC] will produce the following message: "PR#00029: Sequence (999) bypassed. Only one ‘Pay Remaining’ allowed." Pay the remaining balance of the net pay to this payment sequence. If this option is not used on a deposit account, the pay split calculation process pays any remaining net pay to a check. Pay_Remaining is an optional toggle field.
;[Paid To Order Of|PAID_TO_ORDER_OF]:Alternative name that the check is made out to. If left blank, the check payee defaults to the full name of the employee. Used when employees elect to have some or all of their pay sent to their spouse or family (e.g. merchant seamen, contract workers in a foreign country etc.). May also be used when an employee is deceased, and a payment needs to be made out to the survivor(s) or to the estate. Paid_To_Order_Of is a 50 character alphanumeric optional field that you may manually enter.
!Deposit Information
The following information is to be completed for direct deposits only.
;[Account Type|BANK_ACCOUNT_TYPE]: Indicates that the bank account is checking or savings type of account. Bank_Account_Type is an optional fixed lexicon ([X_BANK_ACCT_TYPE]) that you may use to look up the value.
;[Bank Transit|BANK_TRANSIT_CODE]:This field contains the deposit bank transit code that uniquely identifies the branch within the banking system. Bank_Transit from [P2K_PR_BANK_LOCATIONS] is an optional 30 character alphanumeric field that you may complete with a value from the LOV (F9) provided.
;[Bank Account|BANK_ACCOUNT]:This field displays the employee-supplied bank account number to which a deposit is to be sent. Bank_Account is an optional 30 character alphanumeric field that you may manually enter.
;[Bank Name|BANK_NAME]:This field displays the full name of the bank. Bank_Name from [P2K_PR_BANK_LOCATIONS] is an optional 50 character alphanumeric field that will default from the bank transit number chosen.
;[State/Prov|STATE_PROVINCE_NAME]:This field displays the state or province of the bank where the deposit is being sent. State_Province_Code from [P2K_CM_STATE_PROVINCES] is an optional 16-character alphanumeric field that will default from the transit number chosen.
;[Prime Deposit|PRIME_DEPOSIT]:If this toggle is ON then this account is considered the prime deposit account, if the toggle is OFF then this is not the prime deposit account. This toggle should only be set for one account.
;:As each timesheet is paid on the [IPPH] form, you may override the timesheet to be paid ‘By Check’ or ‘By Prime Deposit’ for certain types of pay (e.g. Bonus). This Prime Deposit toggle indicates that the deposit account should be used for these ‘Prime Deposit’ time sheets.
;:Prime_Deposit is an optional toggle field you may manually set.
!Prenotification Information
;[Prenote Required|PRENOTE_REQUIRED]:For U.S. installations only: If the Pre-note Required toggle is ON, the deposit account will be prenoted to the bank, and the required waiting period will be observed. If the toggle is OFF, the deposit account will not be pre-noted.Prenote_Required is an optional toggle field.
;[Prenote Date|PRENOTE_DATE]:For U.S. installations only: System maintained date indicating when the pre-notification was sent to the bank. The pay issue date becomes the pre-note date. Prenote_Date is an optional date field that is system maintained.
;[Deposit Starts|DEPOSIT_START_DATE]:For U.S. Installations Only: This field displays the pay period start date where the deposit is to commence after the pre-note period is over.
;:The pre-notification deposit process completes this field automatically. The deposit start date is the pre-note date plus the number of pre-note days on the bank account ([IPBA]). The resulting date is used to looks up the pay period calendar to see which pay period the date falls in, it takes the pay issue date from that pay period and then uses it for the deposit start date.
;:The next [UPCALC], when the pay issue date is equal to or greater than the deposit start date - the employee will receive a deposit into this account.
;:Deposit_Start_Date is an optional date field that is system maintained.
;[Temporarily Use|PPRD_ID]:This field will indicate how an employee should be paid (e.g. by check, by deposit in a previously established account) during the pre-noting period. PPRD_ID is an optional field that you may complete with a value from the LOV (F9) provided.