[{TableOfContents }]

The Manage Government Report Details (IPGH) screen allows you to create and maintain government reporting details within the system.

The definition data for the Manage Government Report Details screen is stored in the [P2K_PR_GVT_HEADERS] and [P2K_PR_GVT_AMOUNTS] tables. 
!US Federal/State/SUI/Local/School District/ tab
;[Tax Level|TAXATION_LEVEL]:This field is used to identify the level of taxation the interface will be reporting. 
;[Type|TODATE_TYPE]:This field indicates the type of to-date record for the report.
;[Period|CALENDAR_PERIOD]:This field identifies the calendar period for the report.
;[Form Code|FORM_CODE]:This field identifies the form for the report.
;[Govt Registration|DGV_ID]:
!CDN Federal/Provincial tab
;[Tax Level|]:
;[Form Code|]:
;[Govt Registration|]:
;[Tax Level Suffix|]:
!Header tab
;[Form Code|]:
;[Form Description|DESCRIPTION]:
;[Govt Regist|]:
;[Govt Regist #|]:
;[Remit Type|GVT_REMIT_TYPE]:
;[Form Number|FORM_NUMBER]:
;[Print Stage|GVT_PRINT_STAGE]:
;[Govt File Stage|GVT_FILE_STAGE]:
;[Create By Gvt Run|]:
;[As of Date|]:
;[Print By Gvt Run|PGR_ID_PRINT_BY]:
;[Print Date|]:
;[File By Gvt Run|PGR_ID_FILE_BY]:
;[File Date|]:
!Amount tab
;[O/R Prompt|]:

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