The Maintain Trace Modes (IMTRM) allows real-time modification of Java Trace Rules without needing to modify configuration files (TraceModes.xml).

This screen allows create, retrieve and update. The user cannot delete an existing row.

Any existing data displayed at start-up will come from the configuration file TraceModes.xml

Any new row added to this screen will be available only for the existing session. All the changes will be lost after the restart (only java classes defined in configuration file will be displayed after restart)

If an invalid class name is entered, the system will throw a business exception - ‘No such class exists’ (‘SMTRM_00001 message in IMMS)

When turned ON, the trace for the class specified will be shown.
This field is not editable.
Full Class Name
The user will enter a value under the ‘Full Class Name’ and on save, will populate this field with the class name
This field is optional. If defined in TraceModes.xml file under context attribute, it will be displayed in this screen. When adding a new class in IMTRM, optionally the user can add a context.
Examples: Context option – form name, table alias, table name

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