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Users can define an entity’s Safety Policies to develop safety rules for specific locations. Safety rules are established on the Define Location Safety Rules [IHLS] form.  The definition data for the IHLS form is stored in the [P2K_SH_LOCATION_SAFETY_RULES] table.

!!IHLS Safety Policy Fields
|Location|This field defines the location associated with the safety rules. 
|[Start Date|POLICY_START_DATE] / [End Date|POLICY_END_DATE]|These fields define the time frame that the safety rules are applied to the location. 

!!Details Tab
|[Safety Program in Place|SAFETY_PROGRAM_IN_PLACE]|When this toggle is set to ON, there is a safety program for this location. 
|[Active Safety Committee|ACTIVE_SAFETY_COMMITTEE]|When this toggle is set to ON, there is an safety committee for this location. 
|[Prevention Serv. Requested|PREVENTION_SERVICES_REQUESTED]|When this toggle is set to ON, there has been preventative services required of this location. Example: regular fire equipment testing. 
|[Prevention Serv. Used|PREVENTION_SERVICES_USED]|When this toggle is set to ON, the location is using the requested preventative service. 
|[Safety Policy|LOCATION_SAFETY_POLICY]|This field provides details on the safety policy specific to this location. 
|[Medical Policy|LOCATION_MEDICAL_POLICY]|This field provides details on any medical treatment policy specific to this location. 
|[Nearest Treatment|NEAREST_TREATMENT]|This field indicates where the nearest medical treatment center, such as a hospital or clinic, is located.
|[Transportation Avail.|TRANSPORTATION_AVAILABLE]|This field provides quick emergency information on the best transportation and route to a medical center. 

!!Safety Reviews tab

Information on the Safety Reviews tab is stored on the [P2K_SH_SAFETY_REVIEWS] table.

|[Date Reviewed|DATE_REVIEWED]|This field defines the last review date of the safety rules, based on the specific needs of the location. 
|Reviewed By Employee/Or By Contact|These fields define the name of the individual who investigated the incident. This is an optional field users can enter manually or retrieve from the LOV provided. \\ \\__NOTE:__ Users can select either one or the other one of these fields, but not both. \\* For internal contacts, use the Employee Name field. The link to [IEID] ([P2K_HR_IDENTITIES]) is made through the [foreign key] [EID_ID]. \\* For external contacts, use the Contact Name field. The link to [IECI] ([P2K_HR_CONTACTS]) is made through the [foreign key] [ECT_ID].\\ \\
|[Next Review Date|NEXT_REVIEW_DATE]|This field identifies the next safety review date. 
|[Safety Review Text|SAFETY_REVIEW_TEXT]|Users can enter detailed information about the safety review. 

!!Safety Members tab

Information on the Safety Reviews tab is stored on the [P2K_SH_SAFETY_MEMBERS] table.

|Employee/Or By Contact|These fields define the name of the individual who investigated the incident. This is an optional field users can enter manually or retrieve from the LOV provided. \\ \\__NOTE:__ Users can select either one or the other one of these fields, but not both. \\* For internal contacts, use the Employee Name field. The link to [IEID] ([P2K_HR_IDENTITIES]) is made through the [foreign key] [EID_ID]. \\* For external contacts, use the Contact Name field. The link to [IECI] ([P2K_HR_CONTACTS]) is made through the [foreign key] [ECT_ID].\\ \\
|[Safety Member Role|SAFETY_MEMBER_ROLE]|This field defines any safety role the member may have. Example: Safety Chief, Volunteer or Drill Leader. 
|[Description]|This field allows users to provide further information about the safety member role. 

!!Safety Equipment tab

Information on the Safety Equipment tab is stored on the [P2K_SH_SAFETY_EQUIPMENT] table.
|[Equipment|RESOURCE_REFERENCE]| This field identifies the safety equipment. 
|[Type|RESOURCE_TYPE]|This field categorizes the equipment into a specific type. 
|[Status|RESOURCE_STATUS]|This field defines the status of the equipment. 
|[Description]|This field allows users to provide further information about the equipment. 
|[How to Use|HOW_TO_USE]|This field provides instructions on how to operate the safety equipment. 
|[How to Inspect|HOW_TO_INSPECT]|This field provides instructions on how correctly inspect the safety equipment. 

!!Safety Activities tab

Information on the Safety Reviews tab is stored on the [P2K_SH_SAFETY_ACTIVITIES] and [P2K_SH_SAFETY_LOGS] tables.
|[Type|SAFETY_ACTIVITY_TYPE]|This field categorizes the safety activity to a specific type. 
|[Description]|This field allows users to provide further information about the activity. 
|Safety Equip.|This field identifies any equipment associated with the activity. 
|[Status|SAFETY_ACTIVITY_STATUS]|This field defines the status of the safety activity. 
|Assigned to EE/Or To Contact|These fields define the name of the individual who investigated the incident. This is an optional field users can enter manually or retrieve from the LOV provided. \\ \\__NOTE:__ Users can select either one or the other one of these fields, but not both. \\* For internal contacts, use the Employee Name field. The link to [IEID] ([P2K_HR_IDENTITIES]) is made through the [foreign key] [EID_ID]. \\* For external contacts, use the Contact Name field. The link to [IECI] ([P2K_HR_CONTACTS]) is made through the [foreign key] [ECT_ID].\\ \\
|[Initial Date|SAFETY_ACTIVITY_DATE]|This field defines the first time this safe activity took place. 
|[Interval|REPEAT_INTERVAL]|If the activity repeats, this field will display the repeat interval. 
|[Basis|REPEAT_BASIS]| This field defines the time basis for the repeat interval, such as month, year. 
|[Process|SAFETY_ACTIVITY_PROCESS]|This field provides a detailed description of the activity.
|[Results|SAFETY_ACTIVITY_RESULTS]|This field allows users to record any results achieved through the activity. 

!Safety Logs
|[Date|SAFETY_LOG_DATE]|This field defines the date the equipment was inspected. 
|[Time|SAFETY_LOG_TIME]|This field defines the time the equipment was inspected. 
|[Status|SAFETY_LOG_STATUS]|This field defines the status of the event.
|Done By Employee/Or By Contact|These fields identify who created the logs. These fields define the name of the individual who investigated the incident. This is an optional field users can enter manually or retrieve from the LOV provided. \\ \\__NOTE:__ Users can select either one or the other one of these fields, but not both. \\* For internal contacts, use the Employee Name field. The link to [IEID] ([P2K_HR_IDENTITIES]) is made through the [foreign key] [EID_ID]. \\* For external contacts, use the Contact Name field. The link to [IECI] ([P2K_HR_CONTACTS]) is made through the [foreign key] [ECT_ID].\\ \\
|[Description]|This field allows you to provide further information about the activity log. 
|[Next Activity Date|NEXT_ACTIVITY_DATE]|This field identifies the next scheduled time for the activity. This date will calculated based on the Interval and Basis of the Safety Activity if left blank by the entry person.

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