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Maintain Identity Information#

The Maintain Identity Information (IEID) form holds an employee's non date-sensitive information that is used to uniquely identify them in the organization and to the government (i.e. gender, birth date, legal name and identification).

Identity is one of the mandatory pieces of information created for an employee when they are hired into the organization. An employee must have an identity record. The initial identity record is created by the Establish Personal Profiles (IEHR) and Quick Hire (IEQH) screens.

Only primary legal name is stored on the identity record.

Identity data is stored in the P2K_HR_IDENTITIES table.

Identity tab#


This field holds the name for the file containing the employee's picture. This file can only be provided in JPG/JPEG, GIF or PNG formats. The file must be located in the directory identified in the preference setting (in the IMST screen) for EMP IMAGE FLDR. This directory, if specified by directory (i.e. C:\Pictures) is based upon the application server. This directory may also be specified by universal network connection (UNC) descriptor (i.e. ProdServer\Pictures) as long as the application server process has access to this folder. If there is no photo file provided, or the file name is invalid, then the file DEFAULT.JPG, in this same directory will be used. This field will default as ‘default.bmp’


Person Code
This field holds the unique code or number assigned to an employee by the organization, such as employee number, personal ID number, badge number. This code can be auto-generated by the system when an employee is added, and it can be changed with no loss of information or integrity. Person_Code is assigned on the IEHR form.
Gov’t Code Origin
This field defines the country associated with the government code provided. Setting this variable to USA or Canada will result in the government code being formatted accordingly (999-99-9999 for the USA and 999-999-999 for Canada)
For USA installations: This field displays the employee’s Social Security Number (SSN). For Canadian installations: This field displays the employee’s Social Insurance Number (SIN).
Gov’t Code Verified
If this toggle is ON, the government code has been verified. If this toggle is OFF, the government code has not been verified.
This field defines the usual forms of address, such as Ms, Mr., Dr, etc.
First Name
This field displays the first name legally used by the employee.
Middle Name
This is the employee's middle name or initial(s).
Last Name
This is the legal surname of the employee, as documented on their SSN/SIN card.
This field shows any name extension, such as Jr., Sr., III etc. the employee may have.
Drivers License
This field displayed the employee’s driver’s license number.


Date of Birth
This is the date of birth of the employee (used for tax and benefit purposes).
This field shows the age of the employee in years. Age is calculated by the system and cannot be updated.
This field indicates the employee's place or country of birth.
This field indicates whether the employee is male or female. The value is entered on the IEHR form, but can be changed.
Original Ethnicity
This field displays the employee’s original ethnicity.
CDN Ethnicity
This field displays the employee's Canadian Ethnicity, as defined in a lexicon list.
US Race
This field displays whether an employee is Hispanic/Latino or Not Hispanic/Latino.
US Ethnicity
This field displays the employee's US Ethnicity, as defined in a lexicon list.

Self Service Access tab#

Initialize Access to Self Service
A Self Service Accessor record can be set up by clicking on this button.
It is imperative that before the accessor record is defined, the employee MUST be set up with an email address on their work assignment record (IEAS). If no email address is defined on the IEAS form, the system sends the Access Key to the personal email address defined on the IEPI form. If no email is defined, the Access Key remains unset.
If the employee’s access record is manually created through the IEID form, the employee will NOT automatically receive their password. Instead, once the employee’s password information is generated, the information must be manually emailed to the employee.

If LDAP is ON, when the Initialize Accessor for Self Service is clicked, the password will not be set nor will an email be sent to the employee.

User Profile
Displays the user profile, such as EE_SS, that is assigned to the employee(s).
Current Email
The employee’s email address is displayed in this field.
Access Key
This field provides an alternative method for logging into Self Service if the system, if configured. The value in this field will be the key value, such as a user name, used to login instead of a person code and last name.
Access Start / End Date
These dates define the time frame the employee has access to Self Service.
Force Password Change on Next Login
If this toggle is set to ON, the employee must change their password the next time they login.
Last Good Access
The date the employee last successfully logged in.
Logins To Date
This field displays the number of logins the employee has made.
Set/Reset Password
This button allows users to reset an employee’s password.
Clear Password
If an employee has lost access to the system, this button allows users to reactivate their account.
Access Status
This field indicates if the employee has access to the system.
Failed Attempts
Displays the number of failed login attempts the employee has made.
Password Has Been Set
If this toggle is checked, the password has been set.

Logs tab#

This tab is used by the UEMAIL function and tracks all the emails and any attachments sent to an employee using this facility. It can also be used by organizations to manually enter items they want to track/log with or without attachments.

This is the date/time that this record was created, either from an email that was sent using the UEMAIL function or from a record that was manually entered by the user.
Log Type
This field identifies how this Log record was created.
Log Category
This is a user-defined field that uniquely identifies the category the log record belongs to. This field is for information purposes only and has no functionality behind it. There is only one supplied option (Not Specified) to select from, however, users can create new lexicon values if required.
Entered For
The description of the record being added. If this is a record from the UEMAIL, this field will be the from the ‘Subject’ line of the email or was manually keyed by the user.

Attachments Section

Create Date
This field holds the name of the file that is attached to the log record.
This text field describes the attachment file.

Notes #

Need to add descriptions for: Domain, Clear Password, Entered For,