Define Organization Levels#

Organization Levels provide the ability to organize departments into many different reporting views of the organization.

Organization levels are associated to an employee only through the department code. Therefore, if there were a re-organization of the entity structure, the department’s organization levels would be modified. All persons associated with the department will automatically reflect this organization change.

Organizations can be used for divisions, regions, budget levels, etc. Departments “roll up” to organization levels.

For example, an organization divides North America into sales regions based on time zones, so its office in Toronto, Canada is in the 'Eastern Sales Region' from a sales perspective. For marketing purposes though, the organization divides North America into two marketing strategies, a 'U.S. Marketing Strategy' and a 'Canadian Marketing Strategy'; the office in Toronto, Canada, therefore falls under the latter.

‘Define Organization Levels’ Usage and Examples

Organization Level data is stored in the P2K_CM_ORG_LEVELS and P2K_CM_ORG_LEVEL_DETAILS tables.
Org Level Type
This field categorizes the organization level into a specific user-defined type.
Org Level
This field displays a user-defined code that uniquely identifies the organization level within the system.
This field displays the user-defined description of the org level code, its purpose and use, etc.
Parent Entity
If the organizational level being defined is the top level of the organizational structure, the entity to which the org level is associated will be entered in this field.
Parent Org Level
If the organizational level being defined is NOT the top level of the organizational structure, this field defines its parent level. That is, the org level one step above the org level being defined.
Managing Position
This field displays the position code of the manager of the organization level. This field may be completed later when positions have been created.

Organization Level Details#

Org level details connect the departments, which roll up into the organization level.
This field defines the departments which are involved in the organization level.
Department Name
This field provides the name of the department code.
This is the entity to which the organization level belongs.

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